February 2019
  • GIS and Web Gis 2.0

How to turn Drupal 8 into an advanced Web GIS 2.0 application with the Geofield Mapping stack

There is a great potential to integrate all Drupal 8 entity modelling scalable ecosystem with best JS Mapping frameworks and big data Spatial Analysis tools.

During the Drupal NYC Meetup of the 6th February 2019, Italo Mairo (lead maintainer of the Drupal 8 Geofield Mapping stack) walked the audience through building an advanced Web GIS (Geographic Information System) 2.0 application in Drupal 8 using the Geofield, Geofield Map, Leaflet, and Geocoder modules.

As with Drupal 7, the Geofield module remains the most sophisticated solution to turn Drupal 8 into a Web GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 2.0 application with advanced geo mapping and spatial representation capabilities. indeed it is the only module able to manage not only spatial features of the Point type, but also Geometry Collections such as Polylines and Polygons.

Building on the solid foundation of the Drupal 7 module, the Drupal 8 version takes advantage of Drupal 8's object oriented development patterns (services and plugins) while affording integrations with other Drupal modules and PHP geomapping & geocoding libraries.

After an  overview of the geospatial features that can be achieved with the Geofield Mapping stack using the Geofield, Geofield Map, Leaflet, Leaflet Markercluster, and Geocoder modules, the presentation performed a live implementation of a GIS 2.0 Web application in Drupal 8, simulating the management, categorization, and representation of points of interest in New York City.

Specifcially it was showed how to:
- insert and represent points and objects of interest on Google Maps and Leaflet
- create views for the representation, search, and selection of features
- use geocoding and reverse automated geocoding of addresses and territorial locations
- take advantage of automatic geotagging of images (Exif GPS) and other file formats (GPX, KML, GeoJSON)
- implement advanced thematic representation of spatial data through customization of Marker Icons and contextual generation of Legend Blocks

For more info enjoy the follwoing links:

- Drupal NYC Meetup of the 6th February 2019 Presentation Slides

- The final outcome throughout the Drupal 8 Geofield Webgis 2.0 Mapping Live Demo


  • Drupal 8
  • Web Gis 2.0
  • Geofield
  • Geofield Map
  • Leaflet
  • Geococder
  • DrupalNyc