
News from the Digital Communication, Web & Web Gis 2.0 World

05 Nov 2024

Ecomondo 2024 - Planetek Italia

Planetek Italia sarà presente a Ecomondo dal 5 all’8 Novembre 2024 a Rimini.

21 Oct 2024

Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

Flies with shorter eye-stalks act aggressively because females are less attracted to them - Popular Science

In the stalk-eyed fly world, it’s the males with longer eyestalks that get the females. Not only do the females prefer males with longer antennae dotted eye-stalks, but other males are also less likely to fight with these more well-endowed flies. 

However, some males will always have short eyestalks due to a copy of the X chromosome that causes the eyestalks to be smaller. While investigating why this genetic mutation hasn’t disappeared–despite generations of sexual selection–a team of scientists found that the flies might be compensating for their shorter eyestalks with more aggression. The findings are detailed in a study published October 21 in the journal Frontiers in Ethology.

[Related: Mosquitoes can barely see–but a male’s vision perks up when they hear a female.]

“These driving X chromosomes are pretty interesting because they are an example of how parts of our genetic code aren’t necessarily working together, but have their own selfish interests,” study co-author and State University of New York–Geneseo biologist Josephine Reinhardt said in a statement. “This is an extreme example, but simply carrying one of these selfish chromosomes impacts so many parts of these animals’ biology, even their behavior.”  

Gene drives and dueling flies

Stalk-eyed flies is a catchall term for the insects in the fly family Diopsidae and order Diptera. They are typically found among low-lying vegetation in humid areas, generally near rivers and streams. They are only about a centimeter long and feed on decaying animals and plants. 

Two types of X chromones are present in stalk-eyed flies. The one carrying the mutation for short eyestalks is a driving X chromosome, or more specifically, a meiotic driver. This means that it carries alleles which are over-represented in a male’s sperm, so it is much more likely to be passed on to the next generation.  

“The driving X chromosome has a huge natural advantage because it passes itself on more than the fair 50-50 ‘coin flip’ rule of genetics that most of us learned in high school biology,” said Reinhardt. “Up to 100% of a male’s offspring end up inheriting the X and therefore are female. Because of this, we might assume the X will keep increasing in the population and even cause extinction. Since that hasn’t happened, we’re interested in understanding what other traits could counteract that advantage.” 

To defend their access to mates, male stalk-eyed flies generally use intimidating physical displays and fighting. They will also display more aggression against other flies with similarly-sized eyestalks

As a way to test whether the flies carrying the driving X are more aggressive, the team on this study used populations of flies carrying either type of X chromosome–the one that always results in flies with shorter eye stalks and the one that does not. They also matched up competitors with similar eyestalks, recorded their contests, and analyzed their behavior. 

Dueling stalk-eyed flies. CREDIT: Gerald Wilkinson

The fighting behaviors were more common when the two flies had more closely matched eyestalk sizes. These aggressive actions were also seen more often in male flies with the driving X. The males that deployed more of these fighting behaviors were also more likely to win in these contests. Males with the driving X chromosome were also more likely to come out victorious when they engaged in more fighting than displaying. 

“When fighters are mismatched, fights tend to end quickly, with the smaller male retreating,” Reinhardt said. “When a male with the driving X chromosome is fighting a male with similar-sized eyestalks, he is more aggressive. But because driving X males are on average smaller, it is likely still a disadvantage.” 

Mating opportunities

According to the team, this feisty behavior might explain why the flies with short eyestalks were able to mate. Since longer eyestalks signal a larger body size and potentially more dangerous foe, the flies with shorter eyestalks will typically retreat from contests with these bigger flies. 

However, if males with the driving X chromosome are more aggressive or fail to accurately assess the threat from other males, they might choose to compete with males with longer eyestalks. This then brings them into contact with the females that are initially attracted to their opponent.  

While this extra aggression is potentially dangerous, it may also give the flies access to mating opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t. Still, this can’t fully counterbalance sexual selection. The team’s modeling of the spread of the driving X suggests it might explain why the shorter eyestalks haven’t taken over. The females still prefer males with longer eyestalks, keeping the variant’s frequency low. 

[Related: Swapping genes can help fruit flies regenerate cells.]

“I would say that this study is an initial finding,” said Reinhardt. “A larger study might be done in which we specifically test for the increase in high-intensity behavior that we saw here in a larger sample. In addition, this is a laboratory study, so it is not totally clear how well it would apply to field behavior.”

The study also didn’t test female flies. If the driving X chromosome is what directly increases aggression, it might impact females. However, if it’s an indirect effect to do with the eyestalk size, the driving X chromosome might not affect the females.

The post Flies with shorter eye-stalks act aggressively because females are less attracted to them appeared first on Popular Science.

20 Oct 2024

Supreme Court Could Curb EPA’s Water Quality Regulation Powers - Planetizen

Supreme Court Could Curb EPA’s Water Quality Regulation Powers Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 11:00 Primary Image

The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to limit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s powers to set water quality standards for sewage and water treatment systems, according to an article by Michael Macagnone in Roll Call.

The case stems from a challenge by the city of San Francisco. “The case turns on how specific the EPA must be in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits it issues under the environmental protection law. Currently, the permits place restrictions on both what San Francisco and others can discharge from their pipes and the quality of the water where the discharge goes.”

The city argues that the broad language in the EPA’s rules is too vague and faults the city for water quality failures that could be caused by other parties. “Dozens of organizations, ranging from the mining industry to homebuilders and farmers weighed in through court filings to argue that the EPA standards leave them guessing over whether they’ll face fines down the road.” Biden administration lawyer Frederick Liu countered that many of the requirements San Francisco calls ‘unfair’ are “actually obvious, like not allowing the water to become discolored.”

As Macagnone points out, “The case is the first in a series of cases this term where the justices agreed to hear challenges to environmental rules, and comes amid the current court’s long-running effort to rein in administrative agencies.”

Geography United States Category Environment Government / Politics Tags Publication Roll Call Publication Date Wed, 10/16/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links Supreme Court questions EPA water pollution permit powers 2 minutes

Supreme Court Could Curb EPA’s Water Quality Regulation Powers - Planetizen

Supreme Court Could Curb EPA’s Water Quality Regulation Powers Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 11:00 Primary Image

The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to limit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s powers to set water quality standards for sewage and water treatment systems, according to an article by Michael Macagnone in Roll Call.

The case stems from a challenge by the city of San Francisco. “The case turns on how specific the EPA must be in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits it issues under the environmental protection law. Currently, the permits place restrictions on both what San Francisco and others can discharge from their pipes and the quality of the water where the discharge goes.”

The city argues that the broad language in the EPA’s rules is too vague and faults the city for water quality failures that could be caused by other parties. “Dozens of organizations, ranging from the mining industry to homebuilders and farmers weighed in through court filings to argue that the EPA standards leave them guessing over whether they’ll face fines down the road.” Biden administration lawyer Frederick Liu countered that many of the requirements San Francisco calls ‘unfair’ are “actually obvious, like not allowing the water to become discolored.”

As Macagnone points out, “The case is the first in a series of cases this term where the justices agreed to hear challenges to environmental rules, and comes amid the current court’s long-running effort to rein in administrative agencies.”

Geography United States Category Environment Government / Politics Tags Publication Roll Call Publication Date Wed, 10/16/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links Supreme Court questions EPA water pollution permit powers 2 minutes
Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

12 breathtaking images from the 2024 Astrophotography Prize Photographer of the Year awards - Popular Science

Striking. Vibrant. Dazzling. The adjectives to describe our universe are infinite. And nowhere is that on display more than in the images from this year’s Astrophotography Prize Photographer of the Year awards.

Australian photographer Phil Hart took the top honors for his incredible image (below) of the 2023 solar eclipse over Exmouth, Western Australia. Hart’s photo is one of the highest-resolution (white light) images of the solar corona ever documented, and its details are staggering. He created the image using multiple telescopes, video frames, and RAW exposures.

“This year’s competition featured some of the most impressive astrophotography we’ve ever seen,” said judge Dr. Tanya Hill. “Phil Hart’s image was a masterclass in technique, creativity, and dedication, showcasing faint lunar details alongside the petal-like streams of the solar corona.”

Category Winners:

Solar SystemWinner: Phil Hart – Sunflower in the Exmouth Sky
Hart’s detailed image of the solar eclipse over Exmouth earned first place in this category, showcasing his mastery in capturing the solar corona. Runner-Up: Gerald Rhemann – Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard
Rhemann’s shot from Namibia highlighted the dynamic beauty of the comet’s tail as it journeyed through space. Second Runner-Up: Phil Hart – 2023 Solar Eclipse

Hart’s close-up of the eclipse over Exmouth was created using multiple telescopes, video frames, and RAW exposures, demonstrating his dedication to capturing the event in incredible detail. Deep SpaceWinner: Yann Sainty – Supernova Remnant G119.5+10.2 (CTA 1)
Sainty’s striking image of this rarely photographed supernova remnant, with its dense Hα and OIII filaments and dust clouds, won him first place in the Deep Space category. Runner-Up: Yann Sainty – Monoceros Horn Widefield
Sainty’s second recognized image, a wide-field mosaic capturing emission, reflection, and dark nebulae, impressed the judges with its contrast of cosmic structures. Second Runner-Up: Kevin Morefield – NGC 3981: A Beautifully Disturbed Spiral Galaxy
Morefield’s image of NGC 3981 reveals a galaxy seemingly unraveling, with its spiral arms trailing behind as its structure dissipates. Astro LandscapeWinner: Kavan Chay – Egmont National Park, New Zealand
Chay’s magical shot of the Milky Way over a volcanic snowfield won for its perfect harmony between earth and sky. Runner-Up: Troy Casswell – Bald Rock Panorama
Casswell’s innovative use of UV light brought out the rock formations and Milky Way in an impressive blend of technique and creativity. Second Runner-Up: Will Hudson – Aurora Over the Grampians
Hudson’s panoramic composition captured the beauty of an aurora triggered by a solar flare, merging landscape and night sky into a stunning image. Remote ImagingWinner: Julian Shapiro – Two Oxygen Rings of Cygnus
At just 16 years old, Shapiro’s remote imaging uncovered a newly discovered cosmic feature, showcasing emissions from the Wolf-Rayet star WR134 in breathtaking detail. Runner-Up: Logan Carpenter – Cocoon Nebula
Carpenter’s precise image of the Cocoon Nebula’s comet-like tail, set against a backdrop of hydrogen alpha, secured him second place in this category. Second Runner-Up: Herbert Walter – The Bubble Galaxy
Walter’s image of NGC 3521, a flocculent spiral galaxy, impressed the judges with its soft, woolly appearance.

The post 12 breathtaking images from the 2024 Astrophotography Prize Photographer of the Year awards appeared first on Popular Science.

How Local Parks Promote Equitable Outdoor Access - Planetizen

How Local Parks Promote Equitable Outdoor Access Clement Lau Sun, 10/20/2024 - 09:00 Primary Image

A recent study conducted by Jon Christensen from UCLA and Dan Rademacher from GreenInfo Network highlights the significant disparities in access to local parks across six U.S. states—Arizona, California, Georgia, Montana, New Mexico, and Washington. Their analysis revealed that approximately 23 million residents in these states live without a park within a 10-minute walk from home. While many live within driving distance of regional parks, the study emphasized that true equitable access to nature requires more than physical proximity. It calls for culturally relevant programming, improved infrastructure, and increased transit connectivity.

The researchers were surprised to find that a considerable number of people in the studied states had access to regional parks. While neighborhood parks have a strong link to positive health outcomes, regional parks can still contribute to closing the nature gap. They identified several critical actions to improve access: creating more new local parks, making infrastructure investments, and providing public transportation options. They also emphasized that equity goes beyond park availability—it is essential that parks are welcoming and accessible to diverse communities.

One of the standout solutions from the study was the concept of outdoor equity funds, which provide grants to local organizations dedicated to improving access for underserved communities. The study’s tool helps identify park-poor areas, assisting public lands managers and advocacy groups in targeting their efforts. By leveraging these tools and funding solutions, local governments and community groups can work together to close the nature gap more effectively.

Geography United States Category Community / Economic Development Environment Infrastructure Transportation Tags Publication The Wilderness Society Publication Date Thu, 10/17/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links How local parks can help close the nature gap 2 minutes

How Local Parks Promote Equitable Outdoor Access - Planetizen

How Local Parks Promote Equitable Outdoor Access Clement Lau Sun, 10/20/2024 - 09:00 Primary Image

A recent study conducted by Jon Christensen from UCLA and Dan Rademacher from GreenInfo Network highlights the significant disparities in access to local parks across six U.S. states—Arizona, California, Georgia, Montana, New Mexico, and Washington. Their analysis revealed that approximately 23 million residents in these states live without a park within a 10-minute walk from home. While many live within driving distance of regional parks, the study emphasized that true equitable access to nature requires more than physical proximity. It calls for culturally relevant programming, improved infrastructure, and increased transit connectivity.

The researchers were surprised to find that a considerable number of people in the studied states had access to regional parks. While neighborhood parks have a strong link to positive health outcomes, regional parks can still contribute to closing the nature gap. They identified several critical actions to improve access: creating more new local parks, making infrastructure investments, and providing public transportation options. They also emphasized that equity goes beyond park availability—it is essential that parks are welcoming and accessible to diverse communities.

One of the standout solutions from the study was the concept of outdoor equity funds, which provide grants to local organizations dedicated to improving access for underserved communities. The study’s tool helps identify park-poor areas, assisting public lands managers and advocacy groups in targeting their efforts. By leveraging these tools and funding solutions, local governments and community groups can work together to close the nature gap more effectively.

Geography United States Category Community / Economic Development Environment Infrastructure Transportation Tags Publication The Wilderness Society Publication Date Thu, 10/17/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links How local parks can help close the nature gap 2 minutes

Massachusetts TOD Law Yielding Results - Planetizen

Massachusetts TOD Law Yielding Results Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 07:00 Primary Image Primary Image Caption MBTA station in Concord, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts communities are responding in varied ways to the state’s MBTA Communities Act, a zoning reform mandate that calls on cities to streamline permitting for residential developments near transit stations.

As Abby Patkin explains in an article for, some cities, like Milton, are fighting the state’s effort to boost the housing supply, while others are embracing the change and making way for higher-density housing. “Take Lexington, where housing proposals have begun pouring in. Or Westwood, which recently saw a 160-unit mixed-use project break ground. Somerville, meanwhile, is in the midst of a triple-decker renaissance.” In Lexington, the seven proposals submitted to the city would create 960 total new housing units. The town is working with developers to conduct water and sewer capacity analyses in advance of construction to ensure local infrastructure can handle the new housing.

The law requires the 177 communities served by MBTA transit lines to adjust zoning around stations to allow for higher-density multifamily housing. “Whether the law will be as transformative as lawmakers hoped remains to be seen, though affordable housing advocates say it’s a step in the right direction,” Patkin adds.

Zoning expert Amy Dain notes that while MBTA Communities could make a major impact on the housing supply, it won’t be enough to end the housing crisis. “[E]ven if MBTA Communities is fully implemented, there’s going to be more work ahead to make sure there’s housing for everybody, and appropriate housing, safe housing, diverse housing, and housing in places where people want to live and have access to jobs and schools and places they want to go to.”

Geography Massachusetts Category Housing Land Use Transportation Urban Development Tags Publication Publication Date Tue, 10/15/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links These towns are seeing results from the MBTA Communities Act 2 minutes

Massachusetts TOD Law Yielding Results - Planetizen

Massachusetts TOD Law Yielding Results Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 07:00 Primary Image Primary Image Caption MBTA station in Concord, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts communities are responding in varied ways to the state’s MBTA Communities Act, a zoning reform mandate that calls on cities to streamline permitting for residential developments near transit stations.

As Abby Patkin explains in an article for, some cities, like Milton, are fighting the state’s effort to boost the housing supply, while others are embracing the change and making way for higher-density housing. “Take Lexington, where housing proposals have begun pouring in. Or Westwood, which recently saw a 160-unit mixed-use project break ground. Somerville, meanwhile, is in the midst of a triple-decker renaissance.” In Lexington, the seven proposals submitted to the city would create 960 total new housing units. The town is working with developers to conduct water and sewer capacity analyses in advance of construction to ensure local infrastructure can handle the new housing.

The law requires the 177 communities served by MBTA transit lines to adjust zoning around stations to allow for higher-density multifamily housing. “Whether the law will be as transformative as lawmakers hoped remains to be seen, though affordable housing advocates say it’s a step in the right direction,” Patkin adds.

Zoning expert Amy Dain notes that while MBTA Communities could make a major impact on the housing supply, it won’t be enough to end the housing crisis. “[E]ven if MBTA Communities is fully implemented, there’s going to be more work ahead to make sure there’s housing for everybody, and appropriate housing, safe housing, diverse housing, and housing in places where people want to live and have access to jobs and schools and places they want to go to.”

Geography Massachusetts Category Housing Land Use Transportation Urban Development Tags Publication Publication Date Tue, 10/15/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links These towns are seeing results from the MBTA Communities Act 2 minutes
Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

This weather app might be better than checking what the meteorologist says - Popular Science

Opening up your smartphone to check the daily forecast might seem like a small thing, but it might not be so trivial given the hurricanes that have happened in the last few weeks. Aside from knowing the exact temperature for your day so you can dress accordingly, it could help you prepare for natural disasters.

Your smartphone’s default weather app probably isn’t helping you prepare enough. Tired of radar and forecasts that aren’t accurate? You’ll want Weather Hi-Def Radar Storm Watch Plus, an innovative app that offers more than just daily weather readings. Get accurate and real-time intel on storms, daily forecasts, and more for only $29.97 (reg. $149) through Oct. 27!

The meteorologist that gets the weather right

No more weather predictions that leave you stuck in a downpour—or unprepared for hurricanes and tornados. Use Weather Hi-Def to get daily and hourly weather forecasts so you can pack an umbrella before quick showers or a sweatshirt if the temperature is chillier than usual.

You can also save multiple locations, like travel destinations or cities you recently visit, along with your hometown so you have easy access to those local weather predictions. 

Check out what else you’ll be able to customize on this weather app:

If you’d like to plan for a trip or the week ahead, check out Weather Hi-Def’s future-generated radar images. Its images are displayed on a highly interactive satellite map, similar to what you’d see on any cable news channel. You can track the weather like never before.

This app even accurately monitors your local air pollution with its Air Quality Index feature. With all this helpful and potentially life-saving forecasting, it’s no surprise that Weather Hi-Def has earned praise on the App Store and Sensor Tower.

Get your most accurate weather predictions with lifetime access to Weather Hi-Def Radar at the unbeatable price of $29.97. Supplies are limited, and this offer ends Oct. 27 at 11:59 p.m.

Weather Hi-Def Radar Storm Watch Plus: Lifetime Subscription

Only $29.97

StackSocial prices subject to change.

The post This weather app might be better than checking what the meteorologist says appeared first on Popular Science.

Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

Stop using Arial: How to change the default fonts in Google Docs - Popular Science

Part of the appeal of Google Docs is the convenience: It’s quick, requires no installation, everything gets synced to the web instantly, and you can get your words down on a digital page with minimum fuss.

Despite its straightforward and accessible interface though, there are plenty of settings and useful features under the surface of Google Docs. One set of options you might have forgotten about—or never discovered—involves the default fonts and styles.

You’re no doubt familiar with the formatting toolbar in Google Docs, but in addition to changing the look of text on the fly, you can also set default formats for new documents, and for headings, subtitles, and any other formats you want to save for future use.

Setting the default font in Google Docs You’ve got a whole host of fonts to choose from in Google Docs. Screenshot: Google

The default font is the one that appears when you create a new document: You’re going to be spending a lot of time looking at it, so choose something you like and that suits your needs. You’re not stuck with it forever—you can change it any time, and change the font on the fly at any point.

First, format some text in a document in a way that you want the default font to look: To format text, select it, then use the formatting toolbar at the top of the screen. You can adjust the font style, size, and color, as well as apply additional effects such as bold and italics. You can also change the highlight color (the pen icon)—all these settings will be carried over to your default font.

Select the freshly formatted text, then open the Format menu and choose Paragraph styles > Normal Text > Update ‘Normal text’ to match. The format you’ve set up is now the one that’s used as the normal text style, and you can apply it to anything else in the document by selecting more text and choosing Normal text from the drop-down menu up on the top toolbar.

You’ve changed the normal text style for the current document, but to apply this to every Google Docs document going forward, you need to open the Format menu again, then select Paragraph styles > Options > Save as my default styles. If you then open a blank document in Google Docs, you’ll see it starts off with your new normal text style.

These same style settings apply in the Google Docs app for Android and iOS, by the way: If you create a new document on mobile, it’ll start off with the default style for normal text that you’ve previously set. You can’t set styles inside the mobile apps, but you can access them to format text (tap the icon showing an A with a line underneath it).

Setting styles in Google Docs You can always reset back to the default styles. Screenshot: Google

Through the process of setting the default normal text font, you’ll now be familiar with the idea of document styles, if you weren’t already. These styles (sometimes called style sheets) let you set your preferred formatting for body text, headers, subtitles, and other text in your document, so everything stays consistent across the page.

Google Docs lets you set a default set of styles for new documents, but each individual document can have its own styles as well—obviously you’re not going to want every document formatted the same way. Styles save you from having to keep going back and forth to the formatting toolbar every time you want to change something.

You can see how styles work by selecting a block of text and then choosing a new style from the drop-down list on the toolbar: It’s to the left of the font name, and will have the name of the current style in it. Headings will typically be bigger and bolder, for example, and you can set up to six of them.

The process for changing other styles is the same as it is for normal text. Use the formatting toolbar to get a selection of text looking the way you want it to, then open the Format and Paragraph styles menu: From here you can select a particular style, then use the Update to match option to update the style.

As with normal text, you can keep your styles within the current document, or set them as defaults for the future—to do that, it’s Format > Paragraph styles > Options > Save as my default styles again. If you’ve been playing around with styles in a document and want to go back to the defaults, choose Reset styles from the same submenu.

The post Stop using Arial: How to change the default fonts in Google Docs appeared first on Popular Science.

Former DC Army Garage Gets New Life - Planetizen

Former DC Army Garage Gets New Life Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 05:00 Primary Image Primary Image Caption The main building at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

A Washington, D.C. adaptive reuse project is making creative use of a six-decade-old underground parking garage, reports Andy Peters for CoStar.

The Parks at Walter Reed development is a 67-acre redevelopment project transforming the former Walter Reed Army Hospital property now being developed by Hines, Urban Atlantic, Triden Development Group and Bridge Investment Group. According to Peters, “The Parks at Walter Reed developers decided to convert the existing Army-built garage as a way to limit the project's carbon emissions. One way to limit carbon is to renovate existing structures rather than build new, a process that often requires pouring thousands of cubic yards of new concrete.”

However, the garage was built differently than most, likely designed and reinforced to withstand a military air attack. “The designers later discovered that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers left behind only threadbare information about the garage’s building specs. Blueprints that were located were missing pages and some pages were mangled and illegible.” The developers used 3D laser scanning to scan the entire structure for accurate measurements, and engineers discovered a slew of irregularities.

To date, “About 70% of the residential segment of the project is complete and includes condos, apartments, townhouses, senior housing, assisted living and coliving units, according to a Hines spokeswoman.” The garage is now operational and can accommodate 840 vehicles.

Geography District of Columbia Category Land Use Urban Development Tags Publication CoStar News Publication Date Mon, 10/14/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links Parking, under fire in many US cities, posed a different problem for architects… 1 minute

Former DC Army Garage Gets New Life - Planetizen

Former DC Army Garage Gets New Life Diana Ionescu Sun, 10/20/2024 - 05:00 Primary Image Primary Image Caption The main building at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

A Washington, D.C. adaptive reuse project is making creative use of a six-decade-old underground parking garage, reports Andy Peters for CoStar.

The Parks at Walter Reed development is a 67-acre redevelopment project transforming the former Walter Reed Army Hospital property now being developed by Hines, Urban Atlantic, Triden Development Group and Bridge Investment Group. According to Peters, “The Parks at Walter Reed developers decided to convert the existing Army-built garage as a way to limit the project's carbon emissions. One way to limit carbon is to renovate existing structures rather than build new, a process that often requires pouring thousands of cubic yards of new concrete.”

However, the garage was built differently than most, likely designed and reinforced to withstand a military air attack. “The designers later discovered that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers left behind only threadbare information about the garage’s building specs. Blueprints that were located were missing pages and some pages were mangled and illegible.” The developers used 3D laser scanning to scan the entire structure for accurate measurements, and engineers discovered a slew of irregularities.

To date, “About 70% of the residential segment of the project is complete and includes condos, apartments, townhouses, senior housing, assisted living and coliving units, according to a Hines spokeswoman.” The garage is now operational and can accommodate 840 vehicles.

Geography District of Columbia Category Land Use Urban Development Tags Publication CoStar News Publication Date Mon, 10/14/2024 - 12:00 Publication Links Parking, under fire in many US cities, posed a different problem for architects… 1 minute
Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

Light as air, easy on your wallet—don’t miss this MacBook Air deal for under $250 - Popular Science

If your laptop is starting to feel like a dinosaur, it might be time for an upgrade that won’t devour all your savings. Or maybe you’re doing some early holiday shopping for your family member who is in need of one. Enter this refurbished MacBook Air—a lightweight, powerful sidekick that’s as easy to carry as it is to love. And at just $249.97, you can have all the Apple vibes without the Apple price tag.

The 13.3-inch display serves up a crisp, vibrant view whether you’re binge-watching or diving into a last-minute project. Plus, with a battery that goes all day—up to 12 hours—you’re free to roam without constantly hunting for a power outlet. That’s right, it’s got enough juice to get you through morning meetings, afternoon study sessions, and a few hours of Netflix before bed.

Under the hood, this MacBook Air is anything but lightweight. With 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, it zips through tasks like a pro, letting you juggle apps and files without breaking a sweat. And thanks to its grade-A refurbished rating, it’s practically like new—both performance and appearance.

Why lug around a clunky old laptop when you could have this ultra-portable MacBook Air? Perfect for students, freelancers, or anyone who loves a good deal, this little powerhouse is ready to go wherever you do. 

For you or a giftee, take advantage of this limited-time deal on a refurbished 2017 Apple MacBook Air on sale for $249.97 (reg. $999).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

The post Light as air, easy on your wallet—don’t miss this MacBook Air deal for under $250 appeared first on Popular Science.

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

La Digital Twin di Nottingham - GEOmedia News

Le città, in continua evoluzione, richiedono dati geospaziali sempre più accurati per supportare le autorità locali nella governance, pianificazione e comunicazione con la comunità.

Iniziative smart city stanno realizzando questo obiettivo utilizzando tecnologie di cattura della realtà per creare gemelli digitali.

Nottingham, nel Regno Unito, è una di queste città. Il consiglio comunale ha avviato un progetto per sviluppare un gemello digitale, una piattaforma versatile che integri vari set di dati e sia accessibile a tutti i dipartimenti, ottimizzando la pianificazione urbana per una crescita sostenibile. Questo strumento facilita anche il coinvolgimento pubblico, ad esempio nella valutazione dell'impatto ambientale di nuovi progetti.

Il consiglio si è avvalso di Bluesky International, un'azienda di rilevamento aereo che utilizza le soluzioni Leica Geosystems. Il sensore di mappatura urbana Leica CityMapper-2 è stato scelto per la sua capacità di acquisire simultaneamente immagini e dati LiDAR, creando modelli 3D dettagliati della città. Grazie a un singolo volo, è possibile ottenere una vasta gamma di dati precisi, riducendo i costi e le emissioni di carbonio.

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Leica BLK ufficialmente certificato per il robot Spot di Boston Dynamics - GEOmedia News

Leica Geosystems, società del gruppo Hexagon, ha rafforzato la sua collaborazione con Boston Dynamics rendendo il Leica BLK ARC il primo dispositivo di cattura della realtà ufficialmente certificato per il robot Spot di Boston Dynamics.

Questa novità introduce un'integrazione software che semplifica il flusso di lavoro di scansione laser per il robot mobile, ottimizzando la raccolta dei dati in ambienti dinamici. Grazie a questa integrazione, gli utenti possono ora avviare una scansione automatica tramite l'app di Spot, senza necessità di intervento umano.

Il flusso di lavoro permette una gestione efficiente delle missioni di cattura della realtà, supportando applicazioni come la gestione degli asset, la modellazione BIM e le indagini sugli incendi. Gli operatori possono scegliere posizioni specifiche lungo il percorso di scansione per eseguire scansioni statiche più dettagliate. Il software e le applicazioni cloud di Leica Geosystems facilitano la collaborazione e la creazione di gemelli digitali.

La collaborazione tra le due aziende ha accelerato l'uso della cattura autonoma della realtà sui robot, semplificando i flussi di lavoro e aprendo nuove possibilità per la scansione robotica.

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Lavorare con il modulo di scansione laser Leica BLK ARC e le app Leica BLK Live Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 - GEOmedia News

Teorema srl di Milano, si occupa da 30 anni della distribuzione di strumenti di misura Leica Geosystems, specializzandosi negli ultimi anni nel campo del rilievo 3D tramite scansione laser, un settore che sta vivendo una rapida e continua evoluzione. I laser scanner della serie Leica BLK stanno rivoluzionando il modo di operare in questo settore, tra questi il Leica BLK ARC, un potente modulo di scansione laser autonomo che cattura la realtà in modi impossibili prima d'ora e in luoghi decisamente inaccessibili. Insieme alle app Leica BLK Live e Cyclone Field 360, permette di lavorare in modo più fluido e ottimale, con massima resa qualitativa e risparmio di tempo.

Con gli ultimi aggiornamenti software all'app Leica BLK Live versione 2.1 e all'app Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 versione 5.1, Leica BLK ARC si unisce ufficialmente a Leica BLK360, Leica BLK2GO  nell'offrire il controllo remoto completo dello scanner laser direttamente dall'app BLK Live e dall'app Cyclone FIELD 360.
Ora è possibile acquisire dati di scansione, controllare il laser scanner, modificare e visualizzare nuvole di punti, condividere i dati e molto altro ancora sul campo dai propri dispositivi Android e iOS.

Ma prima di accedere all'ultima integrazione di BLK ARC con l'app BLK Live e l'app Cyclone FIELD 360, bisogna aggiornare il dispositivo BLK ARC alla versione firmware 4.0.1 o superiore.

Ecco una ripartizione dell'integrazione di BLK ARC in entrambe le app.

App BLK Live per BLK ARC

L'app BLK Live è l'app gratuita da abbinare a BLK ARC; si può scaricare sul proprio smartphone Android o iOS per iniziare a usarla. Nell'app BLK Live, gli utenti possono connettersi al proprio BLK

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Al giro di boa i progetti Horizon Europe FAIRiCUBE – F.A.I.R. Information Cubes e USAGE – Urban Data Space for Green Deal - GEOmedia News

Nella settimana dal 7 al 11 ottobre si sono svolti due importanti meeting dei progetti Horizon Europe FAIRiCUBE – F.A.I.R. Information Cubes ( e USAGE – Urban Data Space for Green Deal (, il primo a Wageningen (NL) presso la sede del partner Wageningen University & Research ed il secondo presso il comune di Graz (AT), una delle quattro città pilota partecipanti al progetto.

I due progetti, cofinanziati nell’ambito della call HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-17 “Common European Green Deal data space to provide more accessible and exploitable environmental observation data in support of the European Green Deal priority actions”, hanno due obiettivi diversi anche se complementari.

FAIRiCUBE sfrutta la potenza del Machine Learning che opera su data cubes multitematici al servizio di una ampia gamma di enti governativi, istituti di ricerca e aziende attivi in diversi campi, per facilitare l’accesso e l’utilizzo di dati geospaziali e risorse di calcolo.

USAGE sperimenta la creazione di un Urban Data Space in 4 città pilota (tra cui Ferrara in Italia), focalizzando non solo sugli aspetti tecnici connessi all’attuazione della Strategia Europea sui Dati, ma anche e soprattutto a quelli organizzativi e di governance, assicurando che i ben 11 casi d’uso eseguiti nelle città pilota siano saldamente ancorati alle priorità dei relativi Local Green Deal.

A meno di un

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Il nuovo GNSS Stonex S999 cambia il modo di misurare - GEOmedia News

Stonex presenta il nuovo ricevitore GNSS S999, una soluzione progettata per offrire prestazioni elevate in qualsiasi contesto operativo. Con 1408 canali multi-costellazione, S999 garantisce un posizionamento preciso e affidabile, supportando tutti i segnali GNSS tra cui GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU, IRNSS, GALILEO e QZSS.

Dotato di un modem 4G integrato e di una radio UHF da 1 Watt (frequenze 410-470 MHz e 902,4-928 MHz), S999 garantisce una connettività stabile e un ampio raggio di azione. La tecnologia IMU permette misurazioni con inclinazione fino a 60° e inizializzazione rapida.

Il ricevitore S999 è inoltre dotato di due fotocamere che permettono, nel Software Cube-a, il picchettamento tramite AR e la misura di punti inaccessibili grazie alle funzioni fotogrammetriche, ampliando le possibilità di utilizzo del sistema. Grazie alle sue caratteristiche innovative e alla qualità costruttiva, il nuovo S999 rappresenta la soluzione ideale per rilievi GNSS ad alta precisione in ogni contesto operativo.

I vantaggi di Stonex S999 - Picchettare in Realtà Aumentata 

Il picchettamento di un punto è reso più semplice dalla possibilità di identificare la sua posizione tramite la fotocamera frontale. Quando ci si avvicina all’area il software, in automatico, passa dalla fotocamera frontale a quella inferiore per

Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Laser per galleria VIDALASER - GEOmedia News

Il laser per il tracciamento della direzione di scavo di una galleria, è in uso da decenni, con molte centinaia di chilometri di galleria scavati in tutto il mondo. Concettualmente esso proietta una riga, materializzata dal raggio laser, che viene inserita nel progetto della galleria stessa ed è il riferimento per misurazioni eseguite in galleria. I laser per galleria VIDALASER sono progettati per l’utilizzo h24 7 su 7 nelle condizioni operative di una galleria in fase di scavo.

Tutti gli strumenti sono classificati, in base alla potenza ed alla densità di potenza del raggio laser, in base alla norna europea EN60825.

La classe del laser ne definisce le prestazioni ed i limiti d’impiego che vanno conosciuti e rigorosamente rispettati.

VIDALASER segue progettazione, consulenza ed assistenza tecnica di tutti i propri prodotti, tutti MADE IN ITALY, dal 1975.

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Gestire, interrogare ed elaborare dati geospaziali con strumenti Open Source: in arrivo una nuova sessione del corso online “Geodatabase (PostGIS)"! - GEOmedia News

Poter contare su personale in grado di gestire dati territoriali e informazioni geografiche rappresenta ormai una necessità sia per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni che per le aziende. Il corso online “Geodatabase (PostGIS)", che si terrà il 6, 7 e 8 novembre, permette di sviluppare competenze nel campo della gestione e manipolazione di dati territoriali georiferiti attraverso PostGIS, il più potente software di geodatabase attualmente disponibile, che estende le funzionalità del database Open Source PostgreSQL per l'archiviazione e l'analisi di dati geografici.

Il termine geodatabase, o database spaziale o Spatial DBMS, indica un archivio di dati geografici memorizzati su database relazionali che al suo interno può contenere differenti tipologie di oggetti (layer vettoriali, raster, tabelle di database, regole topologiche, relazioni tabellari, ecc.). Essendo un sistema completo tale strumento non solo permette di immagazzinare geodati, ma anche di fornire funzionalità di elaborazione e analisi spaziali molto evolute.

Grazie al corso i partecipanti saranno in grado di gestire, manipolare e visualizzare dati spaziali georeferenziati tramite il database PostgreSQL con estensione PostGIS, con diversi tipi di strumenti. Durante le tre giornate di lezione affronteranno, infatti, argomenti fondamentali come l'importazione ed esportazione di tabelle e layer GIS (es. CSV, ESRI Shapefile ed altri formati vettoriali, layer raster, ecc.), l'utilizzo di QGIS come interfaccia di visualizzazione di PostGIS, gli strumenti di interrogazione, le funzioni


19 Oct 2024

Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

Meet the engineer who crafted a genius animatronic ‘Ratatouille’ Halloween costume - Popular Science

When most people have a Halloween costume idea, they either hope they can salvage something in their closet or pray they can make it to a Spirit Halloween before its shelves have been emptied. 

Christina Ernst, on the other hand, gets to work in her lab. 

The 27-year-old Chicagoan, known on TikTok as @shebuildsrobots, is a software engineer by day, and something of a fashion mad scientist by night–crafting what she calls “wearable tech” that combines creative flair with technological ingenuity. 

“I like things that are whimsical, things that look more magical than technical,” says Ernst. This year, she was inspired to pay homage to the 2007 Disney/Pixar film Ratatouille, the tale of a culinary-minded rat that takes control of a hapless human and directs him through the kitchen by tugging on his hair and moving his limbs like a marionette. To realize her real-life Remy, Ernst decided to craft a fully functional animatronic of the lovable rodent chef, utilizing her 3D printer, a few tiny motors, some clever coding, and a few helpful tips from her fans. 


I’ve rediscovered free will this Halloween #3dprinting #robotics #engineering #coding #arduino #halloween #ratatouille #cosplay

♬ Funny – Gold-Tiger

“I love making fun, wearable tech projects and with Halloween coming up I thought this was a great opportunity,” she explains. “Everyone knows Ratatouille, even though it was a movie with no sequels and came out over a decade ago now…it just has cultural staying power, you know? Not to mention: A rat piloting a human? I thought it would be a fun little project.” 

Ernst cataloged her project’s progression on her website and TikTok channel, where she has over 82,000 followers. While it’s often advisable to “not read the comments” when you’re a social media personality, Ernst found her community more helpful than disparaging. “In this case, this might be the most positive reception I’ve had to a video,” she says. “The comments were helpful and had some great suggestions,” such as coding the tiny robot rat to actually mirror her arm movements.  While she does get her fair share of trolls–most of whom claim she’s just “the face” for some unseen (and male) genius who actually does all the work–Ernst has found a way to tune them out. 

“For me, the most meaningful comments are when people say, ‘I’m a high school senior and this convinced me to study engineering in school.’  That is so rewarding. And that cancels out everything else.”

In fact, it takes Ernst back to where it all began. A self-described “math nerd” growing up who also loved to make her own clothing (“Which has a lot more math than people realize–it’s all algebra and geometry!”), she attended a Hackathon while in college and showed off the first wearable tech project she ever made: a Bluetooth-controlled, light up, color-changing dress. The response was immediate, and surprising. “I was blown by how many girls and young women were coming up to the table and saying, ‘I have absolutely no technical coding background but I want to learn specifically so I can make this dress – can you teach me?’,” says Ernst. “And that was a lightbulb moment for me.” 

Utilizing now-accessible technology like 3D printers and laser cutters, which Ernst refers to as her “power tools,” she found the perfect way to combine her passion for creative expression with her desire to inspire more girls to pursue careers in science and technology. Ernst also currently serves as the Chicago Public Library’s “Maker in Residence,” a temporary position where she teaches coding classes through the institution’s Maker Lab. She is also designing a wearable tech dress inspired by the history of Chicago to be displayed in the library’s windows this holiday season. And this November, Ernst will be seen on the STEM-themed CBS series Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove, mentoring even more engineering-curious young women. 

While Ernst still has a few “dream projects” in mind–for one, she admits she’d love to do a big annual tech look based on that year’s Met Gala theme–she won’t forget to put the finishing touches on Remy before October 31. Especially when the voice of Remy himself, comedian and actor Patton Oswalt, has taken notice of her handiwork and posted his reaction on X

Oh my God WOW are you KIDDING me

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) October 10, 2024

“That was so unexpected! I never would have thought this silly little project would get that attention,” says Ernst. “I’m sure people make Disney projects all the time, so the fact that he noticed this and was impressed–I was so honored!” 

The post Meet the engineer who crafted a genius animatronic ‘Ratatouille’ Halloween costume appeared first on Popular Science.

Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

How to be the first to play ‘Black Ops 6’ - Popular Science

Stop right there! Don’t pre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. And don’t you dare plan on waiting in line outside GameStop, either. There’s a much easier way to be the envy of your gaming buddies—just get Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

We know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t that expensive?” If you think it normally is, we have a 28 percent discount while codes last: $36.49 for three months (reg. $50.97). You can even stack up to five codes for 15 months of access—well, if there are enough codes left. 

Get your game on before release day: Oct. 25

You’ve probably been waiting to play Black Ops 6 for months (or years?), so we don’t have to ask if you’re ready. But here’s what you have to do to get ready for release day:

  1. Complete your purchase here.
  2. Redeem your code(s) to your Microsoft account within seven days.
  3. Head to the “Coming Soon” game section to find Black Ops 6.
  4. Pre-download the game, if available.
  5. Launch the game on Oct. 25!

Here are a few more reasons why having the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership is so awesome:

There are hundreds more games to try. This game pass is an excellent way to test out other console, PC, or mobile games you otherwise wouldn’t have.

And, yes, even current users can take advantage of this discounted price.

Get this Xbox Game Pass Ultimate deal while it’s $36.49 (reg. $50.97) or before codes sell out. No coupon is needed to take advantage of this sale ending on Oct. 27.


Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 3-Month Membership – $36.49

See Deal

StackSocial prices subject to change.

The post How to be the first to play ‘Black Ops 6’ appeared first on Popular Science.

Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Top Stories: New iPad Mini, Upcoming Mac Updates, and More - MacRumors

The first of a number of imminent Apple product updates arrived this week with the seventh-generation iPad mini, but what else is still in store and when can we expect to see them?

On the software side, the public release of iOS 18.1 and related updates with the first Apple Intelligence features is drawing ever closer, and we can expect more of those features to arrive with iOS 18.2 before the end of the year, so read on below for all the details on these stories and more!

Apple Unveils New iPad Mini With A17 Pro Chip and Apple Intelligence
Surprise! While we were expecting an update for the iPad mini at some sort of Apple event toward the end of the month, Apple dropped the announcement via press release this week sooner than expected.

With the iPad mini having received a design overhaul in the last generation released in 2021, this year's design remains the same, but there are number of internal upgrades led by an A17 Pro chip to add support for upcoming Apple Intelligence features.

The update also includes a number of smaller changes such as faster USB-C data speeds, so be sure to check out our full buyer's guide comparison to see what's changed between the sixth- and seventh-generation iPad mini models.

Is an Apple Event Still Likely This October Following This Week's Surprise iPad Mini 7 Announcement?
The new iPad mini launching via press release this week is just one sign calling into question whether Apple is going to hold its rumored October product event at all.

While we hadn't heard many specific rumors, another product on the potential event docket had been an 11th-generation iPad, but with Apple cutting the price of the 10th-generation model in Europe and removing the power adapter from the box there this week, a near-term update for that product now appears unlikely.

Yet, we are expecting a host of M4-based Mac updates to arrive very shortly, including a major redesign for the Mac mini, so there still seems to be enough for Apple to show off in a short virtual event if it chooses to do so.

iOS 18.1 Includes Option to Set 'Primary' Email Address and Change iCloud Email
As we continue to inch toward a public release for iOS 18.1 and related updates, we're still discovering new features and tweaks in the update. One of the latest is a new option to change the main email address associated with your Apple Account, which is particularly handy for those who do a lot of document collaboration and other tasks that make your Apple Account address visible to other people.

Apple seeded the seventh iOS 18.1 beta this week as it reportedly aims for a public release on Monday, October 28.

iOS 18.2 Expected to Add These Additional Apple Intelligence Features
With the first round of Apple Intelligence features coming later this month in iOS 18.1, there's plenty more yet to come in future updates.

iOS 18.2 is up next, with a release expected sometime in December, and it should bring a number of new Apple Intelligence features including support for localized English in a several countries beyond the United States, image generation capabilities with Image Playground and Genmoji, Visual Intelligence for pulling up information on the world around you via the iPhone 16's camera, and integration with ChatGPT.

iPhone 17 Pro Models Rumored to Introduce These 5 New Features
Yes, the iPhone 16 lineup has only been out for a month, but some users are wanting to hold off for another year and are looking ahead at what they might be able to expect with next year's iPhone 17 lineup.

So far there are at least five key changes rumored to be coming to the iPhone 17 and/or iPhone 17 Pro models, including upgraded front cameras, an improved Telephoto rear camera and increased RAM on one or both Pro models, and more.

We're also expecting a slimmed-down "iPhone 17 Air" to replace the current Plus model in the lineup, and we're continuing to hear rumors about what features that new model may include.

MacRumors Newsletter
Each week, we publish an email newsletter like this highlighting the top Apple stories, making it a great way to get a bite-sized recap of the week hitting all of the major topics we've covered and tying together related stories for a big-picture view.

So if you want to have top stories like the above recap delivered to your email inbox each week, subscribe to our newsletter!Tag: Top Stories
This article, "Top Stories: New iPad Mini, Upcoming Mac Updates, and More" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Top Stories: New iPad Mini, Upcoming Mac Updates, and More - MacRumors

The first of a number of imminent Apple product updates arrived this week with the seventh-generation iPad mini, but what else is still in store and when can we expect to see them?

On the software side, the public release of iOS 18.1 and related updates with the first Apple Intelligence features is drawing ever closer, and we can expect more of those features to arrive with iOS 18.2 before the end of the year, so read on below for all the details on these stories and more!

Apple Unveils New iPad Mini With A17 Pro Chip and Apple Intelligence
Surprise! While we were expecting an update for the iPad mini at some sort of Apple event toward the end of the month, Apple dropped the announcement via press release this week sooner than expected.

With the iPad mini having received a design overhaul in the last generation released in 2021, this year's design remains the same, but there are number of internal upgrades led by an A17 Pro chip to add support for upcoming Apple Intelligence features.

The update also includes a number of smaller changes such as faster USB-C data speeds, so be sure to check out our full buyer's guide comparison to see what's changed between the sixth- and seventh-generation iPad mini models.

Is an Apple Event Still Likely This October Following This Week's Surprise iPad Mini 7 Announcement?
The new iPad mini launching via press release this week is just one sign calling into question whether Apple is going to hold its rumored October product event at all.

While we hadn't heard many specific rumors, another product on the potential event docket had been an 11th-generation iPad, but with Apple cutting the price of the 10th-generation model in Europe and removing the power adapter from the box there this week, a near-term update for that product now appears unlikely.

Yet, we are expecting a host of M4-based Mac updates to arrive very shortly, including a major redesign for the Mac mini, so there still seems to be enough for Apple to show off in a short virtual event if it chooses to do so.

iOS 18.1 Includes Option to Set 'Primary' Email Address and Change iCloud Email
As we continue to inch toward a public release for iOS 18.1 and related updates, we're still discovering new features and tweaks in the update. One of the latest is a new option to change the main email address associated with your Apple Account, which is particularly handy for those who do a lot of document collaboration and other tasks that make your Apple Account address visible to other people.

Apple seeded the seventh iOS 18.1 beta this week as it reportedly aims for a public release on Monday, October 28.

iOS 18.2 Expected to Add These Additional Apple Intelligence Features
With the first round of Apple Intelligence features coming later this month in iOS 18.1, there's plenty more yet to come in future updates.

iOS 18.2 is up next, with a release expected sometime in December, and it should bring a number of new Apple Intelligence features including support for localized English in a several countries beyond the United States, image generation capabilities with Image Playground and Genmoji, Visual Intelligence for pulling up information on the world around you via the iPhone 16's camera, and integration with ChatGPT.

iPhone 17 Pro Models Rumored to Introduce These 5 New Features
Yes, the iPhone 16 lineup has only been out for a month, but some users are wanting to hold off for another year and are looking ahead at what they might be able to expect with next year's iPhone 17 lineup.

So far there are at least five key changes rumored to be coming to the iPhone 17 and/or iPhone 17 Pro models, including upgraded front cameras, an improved Telephoto rear camera and increased RAM on one or both Pro models, and more.

We're also expecting a slimmed-down "iPhone 17 Air" to replace the current Plus model in the lineup, and we're continuing to hear rumors about what features that new model may include.

MacRumors Newsletter
Each week, we publish an email newsletter like this highlighting the top Apple stories, making it a great way to get a bite-sized recap of the week hitting all of the major topics we've covered and tying together related stories for a big-picture view.

So if you want to have top stories like the above recap delivered to your email inbox each week, subscribe to our newsletter!Tag: Top Stories
This article, "Top Stories: New iPad Mini, Upcoming Mac Updates, and More" first appeared on

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Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

When a meteor smashes into your driveway - Popular Science

Adapted from How to Kill an Asteroid: The Real Science of Planetary Defense by Robin George Andrews. Copyright © 2024 by Robin George Andrews. Used with permission of the publisher, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

It took a few days to be convinced, Rob Wilcock told me, sipping his coffee in a London bookstore’s café. “I don’t think about meteorites. I don’t know how unusual they are.” All he, his wife Cathryn, and his daughter Hannah knew was that they had about eleven ounces of black sooty something “in a Waitrose freezer bag” sitting in their house. “In the utility room, of course,” he added, next to a food processor. “Next door had twenty grams” (less than an ounce). Only after they had scooped up the mystery matter, and after having seen planetary scientists froth excitedly about a new meteor all over the news, did Rob come to a confident conclusion: that charred confetti in their house had to have come from outer space.

The Wilcocks hail from the English town of Winchcombe, which, until March 2021, was like several other settlements in the Cotswolds: bucolic, home to verdant countryside panoramas, masterfully manicured gardens, and a requisite castle. It was used to hosting visitors from around the UK and even farther afield. But on February 28, it received a visitor that had traveled a record-­breaking distance. At about 10 p.m. local time, it exploded fairly quietly in the night sky, sending pieces in all directions. At the time, the only people that noticed were members of the UK Fireball Alliance, a group of meteor aficionados led by the Natural History Museum in London. The alert went out: something just blew up over the county of Gloucestershire. What happened to it?

Like many residents of Winchcombe that serene Sunday night, Rob, Cathryn, and Hannah were chilling out at home. Hannah, who was upstairs in a road-­facing bedroom, thought she heard a clattering noise, a bit like a picture frame falling off the wall in another room. Unable to identify the source, she didn’t think much of it until the next morning, when she looked outside at the driveway and saw a pile of Stygian soot. The trio went outside and stared at it. Did someone throw this at them? Did a cryptic beast leave it as some sort of message?

Rob texted his sons—­POSSIBLY FROM SPACE?—­accompanied by images of the peculiar pile. That’s when one of his sons, Daniel, alerted them to fireball reports across the region. Rob leaped online, and he found an alert sent out by scientists to those in the county: if you live in the area and you have found something weird and rock-­like that wasn’t there before, for the love of God, please do not ignore it, or wash it away with a hose—­keep it somewhere safe.

Imagine you’re in this situation, and you aren’t a scientist or someone who’s made space their hobby. What would you do if you were confronted with a pile of extraterrestrial dandruff on your driveway? They didn’t know if it was hazardous or volatile, Cathryn told me. Should they go near it? It looked like an anthill made of coffee grounds, and although it would have probably made an out-­of-­this-­world espresso, they did what any sensible family would have done at that stage: put on rubber gloves, scoop it into polyethylene sandwich bags and plastic yogurt pots, brush in the smaller bits with toothbrushes and stainless steel knives, seal it all up, and put it in the house.

The post When a meteor smashes into your driveway appeared first on Popular Science.

Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

Talk the talk—lifetime Babbel access for every language you crave - Popular Science

Ever dreamed of ordering tapas in fluent Spanish or making friends in French? Now’s your chance with Babbel’s lifetime subscription on sale for $149.97 until 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 20. With access to 14 languages and courses designed by linguists, this deal means you can learn languages for life—from Italian to Indonesian, all without paying monthly fees.

Babbel makes learning fun and flexible, with short lessons that fit right into your day. Whether you’re commuting, cooking, or just hanging out at home, you can practice anytime and anywhere.

Babbel’s interactive lessons make it feel like you’re getting a private language tutor, but without the steep prices. It’s not just vocabulary lists; Babbel has features like speech-recognition technology that get your speaking and pronunciation skills up to par from the start, so you’re ready for real-world conversations. You’ll learn the stuff that matters, like ordering at a café, navigating a new city, or making small talk with locals.

This app is perfect for language enthusiasts, globetrotters, and anyone who’s been bitten by the travel bug. With a lifetime subscription, you can hop from language to language as much as you like. Today it’s French, tomorrow it’s Portuguese—Babbel has you covered.

Ditch the language barriers for good and discover a lifetime of travel, culture, and connection with Babbel, and let your inner polyglot shine.

Act fast and take advantage of this deal on a lifetime subscription to Babbel Language Learning on sale for $149.97 (reg. $599), discounted through Oct. 20.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

The post Talk the talk—lifetime Babbel access for every language you crave appeared first on Popular Science.


You Are HERE - Google Maps Mania

Sony Pictures has launched a unique interactive experience to promote its upcoming film, Here. By entering your address into You Are Here, you can explore your neighborhood’s history over the last 500 years.Here, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, is based on Richard McGuire’s acclaimed graphic novel. The film spans multiple generations, focusing on a Keir Clarke

You Are HERE - Google Maps Mania

Sony Pictures has launched a unique interactive experience to promote its upcoming film, Here. By entering your address into You Are Here, you can explore your neighborhood’s history over the last 500 years.Here, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, is based on Richard McGuire’s acclaimed graphic novel. The film spans multiple generations, focusing on a Keir Clarke
Il canale dell'informazione geomatica italiano

Ridurre l'impatto ambientale dell'aviazione con posizionamento GNSS efficiente - GEOmedia News

Mentre siamo tutti concentrati sulla necessità di ridurre le emissioni delle automobili, c'è chi si impegna a ridurre al massimo le emissioni degli aerei.

Quando un aeromobile arriva per l'atterraggio, la maggior parte degli aeroporti richiede che si avvicini gradualmente, stabilizzandosi in ogni fase, un processo che si traduce in più carburante bruciato e più emissioni rilasciate. L'aumento della precisione del posizionamento satellitare e la sua disponibilità in qualsiasi condizione è un elemento chiave per risparmiare carburante. EGNOS, consente un approccio fluido e continuo al percorso di planata che è significativamente più silenzioso e più efficiente in termini di consumo di carburante. 

Dal punto di vista ecologico, EGNOS contribuisce a ridurre l'inquinamento acustico per i residenti in prossimità degli aeroporti e l'uso dell'altitudine geometrica, aiuta gli aeromobili a evitare livellamenti, riducendo in tal modo sia il rumore che il consumo di carburante.

Per aumentare e garantire la precisione GNSS, l'EUSPA ha finanziato alcuni progetti negli anni tra cui ad esempio il progetto EDG2E (Equipment for Dual frequency Galileo GPS and

Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

22 Tips to Make Your iPhone 16's Battery Last Longer - MacRumors

When Apple releases new iPhones and new operating system updates, there are often complaints about how long the battery lasts. Apple made improvements to battery life across the iPhone 16 lineup, and while these iPhones last longer than ever, some people are still seeing battery issues.

Battery life problems can be caused by new features Apple has added or bugs that have yet to be addressed. Whatever the cause, we've created a list of suggestions for maximizing your iPhone's battery life. There aren't many battery saving options that don't disable key features on the ‌iPhone‌, but in situations where every minute counts, it's useful to have options.

You'll need to balance battery drain with the feature set you want enabled, turning things on and off when you need to ensure your battery lasts all day. Not all of these tips are specific to iOS 18 and the ‌iPhone 16‌ models, but they will help you preserve battery whether you have an ‌iPhone 16‌ or an older device.

1. Turn Off iPhone Mirroring
‌iPhone‌ Mirroring allows you to control your ‌iPhone‌ from your Mac, and get your ‌iPhone‌ notifications on your Mac's display. Since it's on Mac, it seems like it shouldn't be using ‌iPhone‌ battery, but there is a connection there to relay notifications. Notifications still show up when the ‌iPhone‌ Mirroring app is closed on the Mac, so that constant connection might impact battery.

One reader experiencing battery life issues on the MacRumors forums said turning off ‌iPhone‌ Mirroring made a notable difference. If you're not often using this option, it's worth turning it off.

To disable it, go to Settings > General > AirPlay and Continuity and tap on Edit. From there, delete the Macs that your ‌iPhone‌ connects to. You can also swipe to delete a Mac from the list.

2. Delete Home Screen and Lock Screen Widgets
In ‌iOS 18‌, Apple made it so you can place app icons and widgets anywhere on the ‌iPhone‌'s hidden grid, so you might be using widgets more often than before. If that's the case, it's worth noting that widgets can have an impact on battery life.

If you're not using a particular widget on your Home Screen or Lock Screen regularly, it might be best to remove it to preserve battery life. On the ‌Home Screen‌, you can long press and tap the "-" button to remove a widget.

On the Lock Screen, you can actually set up several different Lock Screen options, so you could create one that has widgets and one that doesn't, using the latter when you're low on battery. To add or edit Lock Screens, long press on the Lock Screen and choose either the "Customize" or the "+" button.

On the MacRumors forums, one user said turning off Lock Screen widgets dropped overnight battery usage from 20 percent to 10 percent.

3. Use Dark Mode and Dark Mode Icons
Turning on Dark Mode has long been a suggested way to preserve battery life, because OLED displays draw less power when displaying darker colored pixels. A 2021 Purdue study found that using ‌Dark Mode‌ on a sunny day outside can save you up 47 percent battery power, which can make a major difference.

Lower levels of brightness in Light Mode use the same battery as higher levels of brightness in ‌Dark Mode‌, which explains why ‌Dark Mode‌ can save battery even when screen brightness is turned up. When your screen brightness is lower, such as when you're in a dim room, swapping to ‌Dark Mode‌ doesn't save as much battery life, but it still draws a little less power.

In ‌iOS 18‌, you can set a Dark option for your icons that turns them darker when ‌Dark Mode‌ is enabled (or all the time, if you prefer). Dark icons are easier on the eyes when ‌Dark Mode‌ is on, and it might save just a little extra battery life.

4. Be Mindful of Control Center Controls
‌iOS 18‌ has a customizable Control Center where you can use the Controls Gallery to choose your controls, including third-party controls. You can change the size of Control Center toggles, and use multiple pages.

Some Control Center toggles are animated, and animations can have an effect on battery life. It's probably not a major impact, but worth knowing about. One of the bigger offenders is the full-size Music Control Center toggle, which shows album art and has playback controls.

Home app controls also need to update whenever the Control Center updates, and these controls that refresh might drain some battery.

Customize Control Center by long pressing on the display and tapping the "-" button by any controls you want to remove.

5. Remove Your Lock Screen Controls
In ‌iOS 18‌, you can finally swap out or remove the Camera and Flashlight buttons on the ‌iPhone‌. If you've ever accidentally activated one of those buttons while your ‌iPhone‌'s in your pocket, you know that leaving on the Flashlight or the Camera for an extended period can definitely impact battery life.

If you're prone to hitting those buttons, it's worth removing them. You can do so by long pressing on the Lock Screen, tapping on Customize, and then tapping the "-" button next to the icons.

6. Turn Off ProMotion Display
If you have an iPhone 16 Pro or another "Pro" ‌iPhone‌ that supports a 120Hz ProMotion refresh rate, turning it down to 60Hz might extend your battery life. Since Low Power Mode limits the display refresh rate to 60Hz, it's definitely a measure that works to preserve battery.

Turning on Low Power Mode is one way to disable ProMotion, but there's a more permanent Accessibility setting. Open the Settings app, go to Accessibility, tap on Motion, and then toggle on "Limit Frame Rate."

7. Disable Live Activities
Live Activities let apps keep an ongoing notification on the Lock Screen or Dynamic Island. Combined with the Always-On display of the iPhone 14 Pro, 15 Pro, and 16 Pro, Live Activities can drain your battery.

Live Activities can be turned off by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Go to Face ID & Passcode.

  3. Enter your passcode to unlock the ‌iPhone‌.

  4. Scroll down and toggle off Live Activities.

This will prevent Live Activities from showing up on the Lock Screen, but you'll want to take this one step further. In the individual app sections in the Settings app, you can disable Live Activities on an app-by-app basis, or avoid using Live Activities features within apps.

You can't fully disable the ‌Dynamic Island‌, but you can swipe left on any running animation to dismiss it.

8. Turn Off Proximity AirDrop Sharing
When you hold two iPhones running iOS 17 or later together, the ‌iPhone‌ initiates a proximity-based AirDrop or contact transfer protocol. If you're continually triggering this, it can drain battery. Should you find yourself in a situation where your ‌iPhone‌ is near another ‌iPhone‌ often enough that AirDrop continually pops up, you might want to turn it off.

To do so, go to Settings > General > AirDrop and toggle off "Bringing Devices Together."

9. Take Advantage of Offline Maps
Since iOS 17, you've been able to download Apple Maps for offline usage. It's useful for when you don't have a cellular connection, but it can save battery even if you do. If you're traveling in an area where you have a somewhat spotty connection, downloading a map for that spot and then turning off cellular will preserve your battery life without impacting your ability to get turn-by-turn directions.

We have a dedicated how-to that walks you through downloading a map for offline usage, but it's as simple as searching for a location in Maps, tapping the download button, and then selecting the area of the map to download.

10. Disable Haptic Keyboard Feedback
Apple has a keyboard option that gives you haptic feedback when you tap the on-screen keys. It vibrates with each key tap for a more satisfying typing experience, but what you might not know is that it drains battery.

Apple has a support document that says keyboard haptics can affect battery life, so it's not something you want to use when you don't have battery to spare. It's not on by default, but if you've enabled it, you can turn it off by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Sounds & Haptics.

  3. Tap on Keyboard Feedback.

  4. Toggle off Haptic.

11. Turn Off Always-On Display
As the name suggests, the Always-On display on some Pro ‌iPhone‌ models leaves the time, your wallpaper, widgets, and Live Activities visible on the Lock Screen even when your ‌iPhone‌ is locked.

The display uses a 1Hz refresh rate to preserve battery, and Apple has neat tricks like turning off the display when a connected Apple Watch is no longer nearby (signaling that the ‌iPhone‌ owner is out of the room) or the ‌iPhone‌ is in a pocket, but Always-On display still drains battery faster than an Always-Off display.

You can turn off the Always-On display by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Display & Brightness.

  3. Tap on Always On Display.

  4. Toggle off Always On Display.

Just how much battery Always-On display drains will depend on your use case, so it may or may not be worth turning off.

12. Use Focus Modes
Using Apple's built-in Focus option can cut down on the number of notifications that you're receiving during the day, and fewer notifications means less opportunity for apps to wake up your display and cause battery drain.

Focus modes let you choose which apps and people can send you notifications and when, so during work hours you can make sure you're only getting work notifications, and during personal time, you can limit your work notifications. Focus filters even let you filter out select emails, messages, calendars, and more.

With Apple Intelligence, Apple is adding a new "Reduce Interruptions" Focus Mode that can intelligently filter out what's not important, while still delivering what you need to see immediately. Toggling this on removes all of the hassle of setting up a Focus mode, but it has all of the benefit.

You can also use the "Intelligent Breakthrough and Silencing" toggle with every Focus mode you make to get the same effect, so you'll never miss something important. Apple Intelligence is coming in iOS 18.1, set to be released in late October.

You'll still get all of your notifications when a Focus mode ends, but all in one alert rather than multiple. Turning off unwanted notifications from apps a great method for saving battery life, and Focus modes are useful for reducing incoming notifications without missing things.

You can find all of the Focus features in the Focus section of the Settings app.

13. Use Scheduled Summary
Along with Focus modes, you should also make sure that any app that sends non-important notifications is relegated to the Scheduled Summary, which saves up notifications and sends them to you once or twice a day.

You can toggle on Scheduled Summary for apps in the Notifications section of the Settings app, where you can specify which apps should have their notifications include in Scheduled Summary and when you want them delivered.

Another option is turning off notifications entirely for apps that are sending you less than useful info like reminders to play games.

14. Limit When and How Often Apps Can Access Location
It's always good to check in on privacy and access settings to make sure apps and services aren't doing things you don't want them to be doing.

Limiting the apps that have access to your location and how often apps can access that data can save battery life.

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Choose Privacy & Security.

  3. Tap Location Services.

  4. Review the list and edit settings by tapping on the name of each app in the list.

You have four possible choices for location settings for each app, though not all four choices will always be available for every app depending on what it does. You can select the following: Never, Ask Next Time Or When I Share, While Using the App, and Always.

Never will prevent an app from ever accessing your location, and unless there's a specific need for an app to know where you are, such as a mapping app, setting location access to Never is the best choice.

Ask Next Time Or When I Share will prompt an app to ask you with a pop-up the next time that it wants your location, so you can temporarily approve it. With this setting, location access is off until expressly allowed via the pop-up.

While Using the App allows the app to detect your location only when the app is open and being actively used. If you close the app or switch over to another app, location access ends.

Always lets an app to have access to your location at all times, regardless of whether it's open or closed. This will result in the most battery drain and should be limited to only the apps that you need the most.

A lot of apps will ask for location information that don't really need it to function, so clearing the cruft will save battery life and preserve your privacy.

You can also turn off Location Services all together, but it's not ideal because it can impact crucial apps like Maps.

15. Limit Apps Using Bluetooth
Your ‌iPhone‌ lets you know when apps have requested Bluetooth access, and there are quite a few apps that want Bluetooth access for location tracking, scanning for Chromecast devices, or other not-so-useful reasons.

Checking on the apps using Bluetooth is worthwhile to make sure that you don't have a sneaky app connecting to Bluetooth sources without your permission and draining battery. To get to Bluetooth settings:

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Privacy & Security.

  3. Tap Bluetooth.

Apps like Facebook, MAX, Hulu, and others don't need Bluetooth access for the most part, so toggle off any app that isn't related to some kind of actual Bluetooth accessory. If a feature in an app stops working, you can just turn Bluetooth right back on.

16. Use Low Power Mode
Using Low Power Mode liberally is an obvious choice for maintaining battery without having to change a lot of settings, and you can toggle it on from Control Center, the Battery section of the Settings app, or using Siri. Low Power Mode cuts down on background activity, turns off your display after inactivity more quickly, limits display refresh rate, limits email fetch, cuts down on visual effects, and more.

Low Power Mode can be set to turn on at a certain battery percentage using Shortcuts, which is a useful way to have it automatically turn on when you need it.

17. Use Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode
If you're at home or work, make sure you connect to Wi-Fi instead of cellular. Nothing drains a battery quite like a 5G connection, especially when signal is weak.

Should you find yourself somewhere with no Wi-Fi and you also have low cellular signal, turning on Airplane Mode or turning off your cellular connection temporarily can save battery because your ‌iPhone‌ isn't constantly trying to connect to cellular towers.

It's only useful if you don't need a cellular connection, but it can help with battery drain, and most of the time, there's not a lot you can do with super low signal.

18. Manage Apps Draining Battery
Your ‌iPhone‌ tells you which apps are using the most battery so you can make sure nothing is secretly draining your battery without your knowledge. You can check your battery usage statistics by opening up the Settings app and tapping on the Battery section.

Battery usage charts let you see your battery level over the last 24 hours or for the last 10 days, plus you can see which apps have used the most battery life. If there's an app that you don't need that's draining an excessive amount of battery, delete it. If you do need the app, moderate how often you're using it and what permissions it has like location.

19. Limit Background Activity
Most apps use background refresh to update even when they're not open, and limited background activity and background refresh is a longtime favorite option for cutting down on battery usage.

You can turn off Background App Refresh all together or choose which apps can refresh in the background.

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Select General.

  3. Tap on Background App Refresh.

From there, you can tap on the Background App Refresh option to turn Background App Refresh off altogether or choose to have it activate only when connected to Wi-Fi, which doesn't drain battery as much as downloading over cellular.

You can also choose to turn Background App Refresh on just for your most used apps by tapping on the toggle next to each app in the list.

20. Change Your Mail Settings
Along with turning off Background App Refresh, changing when and how often the Mail app checks for new emails can save you some battery.

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap Mail.

  3. Tap Accounts.

  4. Tap "Fetch New Data" at the bottom.

You can turn off Push (which lets you know right away when a new email message is available) and adjust Fetch settings on a per account basis for accounts that don't support Push (like Gmail accounts).

Adjusting the Fetch settings to have longer intervals before checking for new messages can help save battery life, as can turning off Fetch all together in favor of manual checks that will download new messages only when the Mail app is opened.

You can choose the following settings: Automatically, Manually, Hourly, Every 30 Minutes, and Every 15 Minutes.

21. Remove AirTags
If you have an AirTag, it's probably pinging your ‌iPhone‌ regularly, which can impact battery life. If it's not actively in use, consider removing the ‌AirTag‌ from your ‌iPhone‌ until the next time you need it. That also goes for any Find My-connected devices.

AirTags can be managed by opening up Find My and navigating to the items tab.

22. Preserve Battery Longevity
With the iPhone 15 and ‌iPhone 16‌ models, you can preserve your battery health with an optimized charging feature that prevents charging up past 80 percent. We tested the 80 percent charging limit over the course of a year, and while it makes a little bit of a difference, it's not a huge help keeping your maximum battery up over time.

It's not worth turning on if you need full battery for a long day out, but it's possibly worth turning on if you're often using your ‌iPhone‌ at home. There are also settings for limiting your charge to 85, 90, or 95 percent. Anything under 100 percent could have an impact on longterm battery health over several years.

To turn on a charging limit, go to Settings > Battery > Charging and select a limit using the slider.

A Note on Apple Intelligence
Starting with iOS 18.1, Apple is rolling out the first Apple Intelligence features. It will kick off with Writing Tools and a new ‌Siri‌ design, but later this year, we'll also get image generation capabilities and ChatGPT integration.

AI processing can be GPU intensive, so it's possible that Apple Intelligence will impact battery life, depending on how much you're using it. It's something to keep in mind when Apple Intelligence becomes available.

iOS 18 Battery Drain Complaints
There have been a lot of recent complaints about battery drain caused by ‌iOS 18‌, particularly from ‌iPhone 16‌ users, so it is entirely possible that there is an underlying bug that will be addressed in a future update.

In the meantime, some of the tips in this article might help on days when your battery is just draining too fast.

Wrap Up
There are a lot of minor changes to make to cut down on battery use, but everything you do on your ‌iPhone‌ is going to drain battery. It's important to figure out what works for you, what features you don't need, and where you can compromise to get the most out of your battery.

Do you have a useful battery saving tip that we haven't shared? Let us know in the comments below.
This article, "22 Tips to Make Your iPhone 16's Battery Last Longer" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

22 Tips to Make Your iPhone 16's Battery Last Longer - MacRumors

When Apple releases new iPhones and new operating system updates, there are often complaints about how long the battery lasts. Apple made improvements to battery life across the iPhone 16 lineup, and while these iPhones last longer than ever, some people are still seeing battery issues.

Battery life problems can be caused by new features Apple has added or bugs that have yet to be addressed. Whatever the cause, we've created a list of suggestions for maximizing your iPhone's battery life. There aren't many battery saving options that don't disable key features on the ‌iPhone‌, but in situations where every minute counts, it's useful to have options.

You'll need to balance battery drain with the feature set you want enabled, turning things on and off when you need to ensure your battery lasts all day. Not all of these tips are specific to iOS 18 and the ‌iPhone 16‌ models, but they will help you preserve battery whether you have an ‌iPhone 16‌ or an older device.

1. Turn Off iPhone Mirroring
‌iPhone‌ Mirroring allows you to control your ‌iPhone‌ from your Mac, and get your ‌iPhone‌ notifications on your Mac's display. Since it's on Mac, it seems like it shouldn't be using ‌iPhone‌ battery, but there is a connection there to relay notifications. Notifications still show up when the ‌iPhone‌ Mirroring app is closed on the Mac, so that constant connection might impact battery.

One reader experiencing battery life issues on the MacRumors forums said turning off ‌iPhone‌ Mirroring made a notable difference. If you're not often using this option, it's worth turning it off.

To disable it, go to Settings > General > AirPlay and Continuity and tap on Edit. From there, delete the Macs that your ‌iPhone‌ connects to. You can also swipe to delete a Mac from the list.

2. Delete Home Screen and Lock Screen Widgets
In ‌iOS 18‌, Apple made it so you can place app icons and widgets anywhere on the ‌iPhone‌'s hidden grid, so you might be using widgets more often than before. If that's the case, it's worth noting that widgets can have an impact on battery life.

If you're not using a particular widget on your Home Screen or Lock Screen regularly, it might be best to remove it to preserve battery life. On the ‌Home Screen‌, you can long press and tap the "-" button to remove a widget.

On the Lock Screen, you can actually set up several different Lock Screen options, so you could create one that has widgets and one that doesn't, using the latter when you're low on battery. To add or edit Lock Screens, long press on the Lock Screen and choose either the "Customize" or the "+" button.

On the MacRumors forums, one user said turning off Lock Screen widgets dropped overnight battery usage from 20 percent to 10 percent.

3. Use Dark Mode and Dark Mode Icons
Turning on Dark Mode has long been a suggested way to preserve battery life, because OLED displays draw less power when displaying darker colored pixels. A 2021 Purdue study found that using ‌Dark Mode‌ on a sunny day outside can save you up 47 percent battery power, which can make a major difference.

Lower levels of brightness in Light Mode use the same battery as higher levels of brightness in ‌Dark Mode‌, which explains why ‌Dark Mode‌ can save battery even when screen brightness is turned up. When your screen brightness is lower, such as when you're in a dim room, swapping to ‌Dark Mode‌ doesn't save as much battery life, but it still draws a little less power.

In ‌iOS 18‌, you can set a Dark option for your icons that turns them darker when ‌Dark Mode‌ is enabled (or all the time, if you prefer). Dark icons are easier on the eyes when ‌Dark Mode‌ is on, and it might save just a little extra battery life.

4. Be Mindful of Control Center Controls
‌iOS 18‌ has a customizable Control Center where you can use the Controls Gallery to choose your controls, including third-party controls. You can change the size of Control Center toggles, and use multiple pages.

Some Control Center toggles are animated, and animations can have an effect on battery life. It's probably not a major impact, but worth knowing about. One of the bigger offenders is the full-size Music Control Center toggle, which shows album art and has playback controls.

Home app controls also need to update whenever the Control Center updates, and these controls that refresh might drain some battery.

Customize Control Center by long pressing on the display and tapping the "-" button by any controls you want to remove.

5. Remove Your Lock Screen Controls
In ‌iOS 18‌, you can finally swap out or remove the Camera and Flashlight buttons on the ‌iPhone‌. If you've ever accidentally activated one of those buttons while your ‌iPhone‌'s in your pocket, you know that leaving on the Flashlight or the Camera for an extended period can definitely impact battery life.

If you're prone to hitting those buttons, it's worth removing them. You can do so by long pressing on the Lock Screen, tapping on Customize, and then tapping the "-" button next to the icons.

6. Turn Off ProMotion Display
If you have an iPhone 16 Pro or another "Pro" ‌iPhone‌ that supports a 120Hz ProMotion refresh rate, turning it down to 60Hz might extend your battery life. Since Low Power Mode limits the display refresh rate to 60Hz, it's definitely a measure that works to preserve battery.

Turning on Low Power Mode is one way to disable ProMotion, but there's a more permanent Accessibility setting. Open the Settings app, go to Accessibility, tap on Motion, and then toggle on "Limit Frame Rate."

7. Disable Live Activities
Live Activities let apps keep an ongoing notification on the Lock Screen or Dynamic Island. Combined with the Always-On display of the iPhone 14 Pro, 15 Pro, and 16 Pro, Live Activities can drain your battery.

Live Activities can be turned off by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Go to Face ID & Passcode.

  3. Enter your passcode to unlock the ‌iPhone‌.

  4. Scroll down and toggle off Live Activities.

This will prevent Live Activities from showing up on the Lock Screen, but you'll want to take this one step further. In the individual app sections in the Settings app, you can disable Live Activities on an app-by-app basis, or avoid using Live Activities features within apps.

You can't fully disable the ‌Dynamic Island‌, but you can swipe left on any running animation to dismiss it.

8. Turn Off Proximity AirDrop Sharing
When you hold two iPhones running iOS 17 or later together, the ‌iPhone‌ initiates a proximity-based AirDrop or contact transfer protocol. If you're continually triggering this, it can drain battery. Should you find yourself in a situation where your ‌iPhone‌ is near another ‌iPhone‌ often enough that AirDrop continually pops up, you might want to turn it off.

To do so, go to Settings > General > AirDrop and toggle off "Bringing Devices Together."

9. Take Advantage of Offline Maps
Since iOS 17, you've been able to download Apple Maps for offline usage. It's useful for when you don't have a cellular connection, but it can save battery even if you do. If you're traveling in an area where you have a somewhat spotty connection, downloading a map for that spot and then turning off cellular will preserve your battery life without impacting your ability to get turn-by-turn directions.

We have a dedicated how-to that walks you through downloading a map for offline usage, but it's as simple as searching for a location in Maps, tapping the download button, and then selecting the area of the map to download.

10. Disable Haptic Keyboard Feedback
Apple has a keyboard option that gives you haptic feedback when you tap the on-screen keys. It vibrates with each key tap for a more satisfying typing experience, but what you might not know is that it drains battery.

Apple has a support document that says keyboard haptics can affect battery life, so it's not something you want to use when you don't have battery to spare. It's not on by default, but if you've enabled it, you can turn it off by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Sounds & Haptics.

  3. Tap on Keyboard Feedback.

  4. Toggle off Haptic.

11. Turn Off Always-On Display
As the name suggests, the Always-On display on some Pro ‌iPhone‌ models leaves the time, your wallpaper, widgets, and Live Activities visible on the Lock Screen even when your ‌iPhone‌ is locked.

The display uses a 1Hz refresh rate to preserve battery, and Apple has neat tricks like turning off the display when a connected Apple Watch is no longer nearby (signaling that the ‌iPhone‌ owner is out of the room) or the ‌iPhone‌ is in a pocket, but Always-On display still drains battery faster than an Always-Off display.

You can turn off the Always-On display by following these steps:

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Display & Brightness.

  3. Tap on Always On Display.

  4. Toggle off Always On Display.

Just how much battery Always-On display drains will depend on your use case, so it may or may not be worth turning off.

12. Use Focus Modes
Using Apple's built-in Focus option can cut down on the number of notifications that you're receiving during the day, and fewer notifications means less opportunity for apps to wake up your display and cause battery drain.

Focus modes let you choose which apps and people can send you notifications and when, so during work hours you can make sure you're only getting work notifications, and during personal time, you can limit your work notifications. Focus filters even let you filter out select emails, messages, calendars, and more.

With Apple Intelligence, Apple is adding a new "Reduce Interruptions" Focus Mode that can intelligently filter out what's not important, while still delivering what you need to see immediately. Toggling this on removes all of the hassle of setting up a Focus mode, but it has all of the benefit.

You can also use the "Intelligent Breakthrough and Silencing" toggle with every Focus mode you make to get the same effect, so you'll never miss something important. Apple Intelligence is coming in iOS 18.1, set to be released in late October.

You'll still get all of your notifications when a Focus mode ends, but all in one alert rather than multiple. Turning off unwanted notifications from apps a great method for saving battery life, and Focus modes are useful for reducing incoming notifications without missing things.

You can find all of the Focus features in the Focus section of the Settings app.

13. Use Scheduled Summary
Along with Focus modes, you should also make sure that any app that sends non-important notifications is relegated to the Scheduled Summary, which saves up notifications and sends them to you once or twice a day.

You can toggle on Scheduled Summary for apps in the Notifications section of the Settings app, where you can specify which apps should have their notifications include in Scheduled Summary and when you want them delivered.

Another option is turning off notifications entirely for apps that are sending you less than useful info like reminders to play games.

14. Limit When and How Often Apps Can Access Location
It's always good to check in on privacy and access settings to make sure apps and services aren't doing things you don't want them to be doing.

Limiting the apps that have access to your location and how often apps can access that data can save battery life.

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Choose Privacy & Security.

  3. Tap Location Services.

  4. Review the list and edit settings by tapping on the name of each app in the list.

You have four possible choices for location settings for each app, though not all four choices will always be available for every app depending on what it does. You can select the following: Never, Ask Next Time Or When I Share, While Using the App, and Always.

Never will prevent an app from ever accessing your location, and unless there's a specific need for an app to know where you are, such as a mapping app, setting location access to Never is the best choice.

Ask Next Time Or When I Share will prompt an app to ask you with a pop-up the next time that it wants your location, so you can temporarily approve it. With this setting, location access is off until expressly allowed via the pop-up.

While Using the App allows the app to detect your location only when the app is open and being actively used. If you close the app or switch over to another app, location access ends.

Always lets an app to have access to your location at all times, regardless of whether it's open or closed. This will result in the most battery drain and should be limited to only the apps that you need the most.

A lot of apps will ask for location information that don't really need it to function, so clearing the cruft will save battery life and preserve your privacy.

You can also turn off Location Services all together, but it's not ideal because it can impact crucial apps like Maps.

15. Limit Apps Using Bluetooth
Your ‌iPhone‌ lets you know when apps have requested Bluetooth access, and there are quite a few apps that want Bluetooth access for location tracking, scanning for Chromecast devices, or other not-so-useful reasons.

Checking on the apps using Bluetooth is worthwhile to make sure that you don't have a sneaky app connecting to Bluetooth sources without your permission and draining battery. To get to Bluetooth settings:

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Tap on Privacy & Security.

  3. Tap Bluetooth.

Apps like Facebook, MAX, Hulu, and others don't need Bluetooth access for the most part, so toggle off any app that isn't related to some kind of actual Bluetooth accessory. If a feature in an app stops working, you can just turn Bluetooth right back on.

16. Use Low Power Mode
Using Low Power Mode liberally is an obvious choice for maintaining battery without having to change a lot of settings, and you can toggle it on from Control Center, the Battery section of the Settings app, or using Siri. Low Power Mode cuts down on background activity, turns off your display after inactivity more quickly, limits display refresh rate, limits email fetch, cuts down on visual effects, and more.

Low Power Mode can be set to turn on at a certain battery percentage using Shortcuts, which is a useful way to have it automatically turn on when you need it.

17. Use Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode
If you're at home or work, make sure you connect to Wi-Fi instead of cellular. Nothing drains a battery quite like a 5G connection, especially when signal is weak.

Should you find yourself somewhere with no Wi-Fi and you also have low cellular signal, turning on Airplane Mode or turning off your cellular connection temporarily can save battery because your ‌iPhone‌ isn't constantly trying to connect to cellular towers.

It's only useful if you don't need a cellular connection, but it can help with battery drain, and most of the time, there's not a lot you can do with super low signal.

18. Manage Apps Draining Battery
Your ‌iPhone‌ tells you which apps are using the most battery so you can make sure nothing is secretly draining your battery without your knowledge. You can check your battery usage statistics by opening up the Settings app and tapping on the Battery section.

Battery usage charts let you see your battery level over the last 24 hours or for the last 10 days, plus you can see which apps have used the most battery life. If there's an app that you don't need that's draining an excessive amount of battery, delete it. If you do need the app, moderate how often you're using it and what permissions it has like location.

19. Limit Background Activity
Most apps use background refresh to update even when they're not open, and limited background activity and background refresh is a longtime favorite option for cutting down on battery usage.

You can turn off Background App Refresh all together or choose which apps can refresh in the background.

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Select General.

  3. Tap on Background App Refresh.

From there, you can tap on the Background App Refresh option to turn Background App Refresh off altogether or choose to have it activate only when connected to Wi-Fi, which doesn't drain battery as much as downloading over cellular.

You can also choose to turn Background App Refresh on just for your most used apps by tapping on the toggle next to each app in the list.

20. Change Your Mail Settings
Along with turning off Background App Refresh, changing when and how often the Mail app checks for new emails can save you some battery.

  1. Open up the Settings app.

  2. Tap Mail.

  3. Tap Accounts.

  4. Tap "Fetch New Data" at the bottom.

You can turn off Push (which lets you know right away when a new email message is available) and adjust Fetch settings on a per account basis for accounts that don't support Push (like Gmail accounts).

Adjusting the Fetch settings to have longer intervals before checking for new messages can help save battery life, as can turning off Fetch all together in favor of manual checks that will download new messages only when the Mail app is opened.

You can choose the following settings: Automatically, Manually, Hourly, Every 30 Minutes, and Every 15 Minutes.

21. Remove AirTags
If you have an AirTag, it's probably pinging your ‌iPhone‌ regularly, which can impact battery life. If it's not actively in use, consider removing the ‌AirTag‌ from your ‌iPhone‌ until the next time you need it. That also goes for any Find My-connected devices.

AirTags can be managed by opening up Find My and navigating to the items tab.

22. Preserve Battery Longevity
With the iPhone 15 and ‌iPhone 16‌ models, you can preserve your battery health with an optimized charging feature that prevents charging up past 80 percent. We tested the 80 percent charging limit over the course of a year, and while it makes a little bit of a difference, it's not a huge help keeping your maximum battery up over time.

It's not worth turning on if you need full battery for a long day out, but it's possibly worth turning on if you're often using your ‌iPhone‌ at home. There are also settings for limiting your charge to 85, 90, or 95 percent. Anything under 100 percent could have an impact on longterm battery health over several years.

To turn on a charging limit, go to Settings > Battery > Charging and select a limit using the slider.

A Note on Apple Intelligence
Starting with iOS 18.1, Apple is rolling out the first Apple Intelligence features. It will kick off with Writing Tools and a new ‌Siri‌ design, but later this year, we'll also get image generation capabilities and ChatGPT integration.

AI processing can be GPU intensive, so it's possible that Apple Intelligence will impact battery life, depending on how much you're using it. It's something to keep in mind when Apple Intelligence becomes available.

iOS 18 Battery Drain Complaints
There have been a lot of recent complaints about battery drain caused by ‌iOS 18‌, particularly from ‌iPhone 16‌ users, so it is entirely possible that there is an underlying bug that will be addressed in a future update.

In the meantime, some of the tips in this article might help on days when your battery is just draining too fast.

Wrap Up
There are a lot of minor changes to make to cut down on battery use, but everything you do on your ‌iPhone‌ is going to drain battery. It's important to figure out what works for you, what features you don't need, and where you can compromise to get the most out of your battery.

Do you have a useful battery saving tip that we haven't shared? Let us know in the comments below.
This article, "22 Tips to Make Your iPhone 16's Battery Last Longer" first appeared on

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18 Oct 2024

Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPhone 16 Pro Bug Causing Random Freezing and Restarts - MacRumors

There appears to be a bug with some iPhone 16 models that is causing random restarts, according to complaints on Reddit, the MacRumors forums, and the Apple Support Communities. Affected users are seeing their iPhones freeze unexpectedly and then reboot.

Reports about the issue have been ongoing since the ‌iPhone 16‌ models first launched in September, and have continued to this week. The iOS 18.0.1 and iOS 18.1 updates do not fix the issue, as it has continued to happen to users even after installing the latest software.

The problem seems to pop up randomly. The display will stop responding or will be very slow to respond to touch input, and then the iPhone will do a quick restart. There have also been reports of the ‌iPhone‌ restarting unexpectedly when in StandBy mode.

Some users who contacted Apple shortly after the new iPhones launched were able to get replacement devices, but have had the issue reoccur. Almost all of the complaints are about the iPhone 16 Pro or ‌iPhone 16 Pro‌ Max, so it may only be the Pro models that are impacted.

For most people, the issue is sporadic, but some users have seen 10 to 20 crashes per day. In some cases, doing a fresh install and not reinstalling from an iCloud Backup seems to have fixed the problem, so it is possible that this is a bug related to ‌iCloud‌.

Let us know in the comments below if you've been experiencing this freezing and crashing issue.Related Roundup: iPhone 16 ProBuyer's Guide: iPhone 16 Pro (Buy Now)
This article, "iPhone 16 Pro Bug Causing Random Freezing and Restarts" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPhone 16 Pro Bug Causing Random Freezing and Restarts - MacRumors

There appears to be a bug with some iPhone 16 models that is causing random restarts, according to complaints on Reddit, the MacRumors forums, and the Apple Support Communities. Affected users are seeing their iPhones freeze unexpectedly and then reboot.

Reports about the issue have been ongoing since the ‌iPhone 16‌ models first launched in September, and have continued to this week. The iOS 18.0.1 and iOS 18.1 updates do not fix the issue, as it has continued to happen to users even after installing the latest software.

The problem seems to pop up randomly. The display will stop responding or will be very slow to respond to touch input, and then the iPhone will do a quick restart. There have also been reports of the ‌iPhone‌ restarting unexpectedly when in StandBy mode.

Some users who contacted Apple shortly after the new iPhones launched were able to get replacement devices, but have had the issue reoccur. Almost all of the complaints are about the iPhone 16 Pro or ‌iPhone 16 Pro‌ Max, so it may only be the Pro models that are impacted.

For most people, the issue is sporadic, but some users have seen 10 to 20 crashes per day. In some cases, doing a fresh install and not reinstalling from an iCloud Backup seems to have fixed the problem, so it is possible that this is a bug related to ‌iCloud‌.

Let us know in the comments below if you've been experiencing this freezing and crashing issue.Related Roundup: iPhone 16 ProBuyer's Guide: iPhone 16 Pro (Buy Now)
This article, "iPhone 16 Pro Bug Causing Random Freezing and Restarts" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPad Mini 7 Has Display Hardware Changes That Likely Fix Jelly Scrolling - MacRumors

One of the main complaints about the prior-generation iPad mini 6 was "jelly scrolling" or screen tearing, and it sounds like it's a problem that Apple may have addressed with hardware updates to the iPad mini 7 display.

In the most recent episode of the Six Colors Podcast, Jason Snell and Dan Moren discussed the new ‌iPad mini 7‌, and shared some information about the display. Snell said that it was his understanding that there have been unspecified adjustments to the display hardware in the ‌iPad mini 7‌ that should make a difference when it comes to jelly scrolling.

Snell didn't provide a source, but his information likely comes directly from Apple. There is only an "implication" that the changes were to fix jelly scrolling, however, and Snell made it clear that because no one has seen the ‌iPad mini 7‌ as of yet, there's no concrete information. "My guess is it's different," he said. "And maybe better. And maybe gone."

Jelly scrolling is a display issue that causes text or images on one side of the display to be out of sync with the other side. The result is text or images that can appear to be tilted downward because of a screen refresh rate mismatch, and for some people, once you've noticed the problem, it's hard to ignore.

‌iPad mini‌ 6 owners started noticing jelly scrolling in portrait mode on the device shortly after it launched in 2021. Some users were not bothered by the effect, while others said that it was irritating to look at and could cause eye strain.

Most if not all ‌iPad mini‌ 6 units seemed to be impacted, but the degree of impact varied from user to user due to different tolerances for screen tearing. The effect likely impacted prior iPads, but it seemed to be more noticeable in the ‌iPad mini‌ 6.

‌iPad mini 7‌ rumors suggested that Apple would rotate the screen assembly in order to cut down on jelly scrolling, so it's possible Apple has done something like that to minimize the issue in the seventh-generation model.

The ‌iPad mini 7‌ is available for pre-order and is set to launch on Wednesday, October 23. Once the tablet is available, users will be able to see for themselves whether jelly scrolling has been addressed, and an iFixit teardown will provide insight into any hardware changes. We'll also likely get reviews before the ‌iPad mini 7‌ models launch, so we could have a more firm answer on the jelly scrolling question in a matter of days.Related Roundup: iPad miniBuyer's Guide: iPad Mini (Buy Now)Related Forum: iPad
This article, "iPad Mini 7 Has Display Hardware Changes That Likely Fix Jelly Scrolling" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPad Mini 7 Has Display Hardware Changes That Likely Fix Jelly Scrolling - MacRumors

One of the main complaints about the prior-generation iPad mini 6 was "jelly scrolling" or screen tearing, and it sounds like it's a problem that Apple may have addressed with hardware updates to the iPad mini 7 display.

In the most recent episode of the Six Colors Podcast, Jason Snell and Dan Moren discussed the new ‌iPad mini 7‌, and shared some information about the display. Snell said that it was his understanding that there have been unspecified adjustments to the display hardware in the ‌iPad mini 7‌ that should make a difference when it comes to jelly scrolling.

Snell didn't provide a source, but his information likely comes directly from Apple. There is only an "implication" that the changes were to fix jelly scrolling, however, and Snell made it clear that because no one has seen the ‌iPad mini 7‌ as of yet, there's no concrete information. "My guess is it's different," he said. "And maybe better. And maybe gone."

Jelly scrolling is a display issue that causes text or images on one side of the display to be out of sync with the other side. The result is text or images that can appear to be tilted downward because of a screen refresh rate mismatch, and for some people, once you've noticed the problem, it's hard to ignore.

‌iPad mini‌ 6 owners started noticing jelly scrolling in portrait mode on the device shortly after it launched in 2021. Some users were not bothered by the effect, while others said that it was irritating to look at and could cause eye strain.

Most if not all ‌iPad mini‌ 6 units seemed to be impacted, but the degree of impact varied from user to user due to different tolerances for screen tearing. The effect likely impacted prior iPads, but it seemed to be more noticeable in the ‌iPad mini‌ 6.

‌iPad mini 7‌ rumors suggested that Apple would rotate the screen assembly in order to cut down on jelly scrolling, so it's possible Apple has done something like that to minimize the issue in the seventh-generation model.

The ‌iPad mini 7‌ is available for pre-order and is set to launch on Wednesday, October 23. Once the tablet is available, users will be able to see for themselves whether jelly scrolling has been addressed, and an iFixit teardown will provide insight into any hardware changes. We'll also likely get reviews before the ‌iPad mini 7‌ models launch, so we could have a more firm answer on the jelly scrolling question in a matter of days.Related Roundup: iPad miniBuyer's Guide: iPad Mini (Buy Now)Related Forum: iPad
This article, "iPad Mini 7 Has Display Hardware Changes That Likely Fix Jelly Scrolling" first appeared on

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Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 150 years strong.

WWII submarine discovered 81 years after vanishing on a secret mission - Popular Science

Since 2000, at least 14 expedition crews have unsuccessfully tried to find the final resting place of the HMS Trooper, but the ill-fated World War II submarine has finally been located. According to researchers, the British vessel resides 830-feet-down at the bottom of the Icarian Sea, near the Greek island of Donoussa—and the wreckage indicates an underwater mine is to blame.

In early October 1943, the HMS Trooper set a course for the Greek island of Kalamos, where its 64 crew members were to deploy three resistance fighters.The submarine then was ordered to patrol the Aegean Sea, a region littered with German naval mines. Although scheduled to dock in Beirut on October 17, the Trooper never arrived, and its crew has remained missing in action ever since.

Recovery crews attempted for years to locate the submarine’s remains based on its final supposed sighting on October 14, 1943. But Kostas Thoctarides, founder and owner of an underwater recovery company Planet Blue, theorized a different scenario: the last known sighting wasn’t the Trooper, but another submarine of the same class. If true, then the vessel would likely be further west than previously assumed.

Thoctarides and his crew scoured their newly proposed region using a shipboard sonar system, eventually detecting a sizable mass at the bottom of the sea near the Aegean island of Donussa. They then deployed the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) “Super Achille” to get a better look, and finally confirmed the Trooper’s location on October 3. Solving the 81-year-old mystery wasn’t smooth sailing, however, since the Icarian Sea is notorious for its dangerous weather conditions.

“The Icarian Sea is one of the most difficult seas with strong winds, waves, and strong underwater currents,” Thoctarides explained in an interview with LiveScience on October 15.

The HMS Trooper’s wreckage is largely made up of three separate pieces. Credit: YouTube / Planet Blue

Visual analysis of the Trooper severely damaged wreckage appears to confirm the submarine succumbed to one of the German mines. According to the Greek news agency ANA-MPA, the explosion appears to have broken the sub into three separate parts, the longest of which is a stern section about 106-feet-long. Given that a hatch on the conning tower is still open, experts also believe the ship likely sank while sailing along the surface.

[Related: ‘Ghost Ship of the Pacific’ rediscovered with underwater drones.]

Capt. Richard Wraith of the British Royal Navy expressed his congratulations to the Planet Blue team, along with his hope that “any family members of those lost… may be able to use the definitive location of Trooper as a focal point to help lay to rest any memories of their loved ones.” One of those loved ones includes Wraith’s father, Lt. John Wraith, who served as the Trooper’s commander during its final mission.

The post WWII submarine discovered 81 years after vanishing on a secret mission appeared first on Popular Science.

Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Best Apple Deals of the Week: Magic Keyboards Hit Best-Ever Prices, Plus Apple Watch and Anker Sales - MacRumors

This week's best deals included record low prices on Apple accessories like the Magic Keyboard for the M4 iPad Pro, as well as discounts on a few Apple Watch models. We're also still tracking great deals on Anker and Jackery accessories as we head into the weekend.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

Apple Accessories

  • What's the deal? Save on Apple's first party accessories

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

$29 OFF11-inch M4 iPad Pro Magic Keyboard for $269.99
$49 OFF13-inch M4 iPad Pro Magic Keyboard for $299.99
$10 OFF2-meter MagSafe Charger for $39.00

This week we tracked a few deals on Apple's Magic Keyboards for iPad and the new MagSafe Charger. Although some of these have since expired, you can still get all-time low prices on both Magic Keyboards for the M4 iPad Pro, and the 2-meter MagSafe Charger.


  • What's the deal? Take 20% off Anker accessories

  • Where can I get it? Anker
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

EXCLUSIVE 20% OFFAnker Sitewide Sale

Our Anker partnership continued this week, giving our readers an exclusive 20 percent discount on Anker's best chargers, portable batteries, and more. You'll need to enter the code akmacrumors20ch at checkout to see the discount, and can find more information about what accessories work with the code in our original post.

Samsung Monitors

  • What's the deal? Take up to $780 off Samsung monitors

  • Where can I get it? Amazon

$300 OFFSamsung 32-inch Smart Monitor M80D for $399.99
$780 OFFSamsung 27-inch ViewFinity S9 5K Monitor for $819.98

Samsung's popular 32-inch Smart Monitor M8 (Model M80D) is down to $399.99 on Amazon, down from $699.99. This is the newest model of the Smart Monitor M8, and this is an overall second-best price, coming just $20 higher when compared to the Prime Day price. Amazon also has a the 27-inch ViewFinity S9 5K Monitor for $819.98, down from $1,599.99, and this one is an all-time low price.

Apple Watch

  • What's the deal? Take up to $64 off Apple Watch Ultra 2 and Series 10

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

$27 OFFApple Watch Series 10 (42mm GPS) for $371.28
$64 OFFApple Watch Ultra 2 (Black) for $734.89

Amazon hosted a few low prices on the Apple Watch Series 10 this week, with solid markdowns on both the 42mm and 46mm GPS models still available. You can also get the Ultra 2 in Black for a second-best price on Amazon.


  • What's the deal? Save on Jackery portable power stations

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

UP TO $900 OFFJackery on Amazon

Jackery's best portable power stations and accessories hit low prices on Amazon this week, with up to $900 off select devices. We've compiled the full list of accessories on sale below, and note that you'll only need to clip an on-page coupon for one of the discounts.

Head to our full Deals Roundup to get caught up with all of the latest deals and discounts that we've been tracking over the past week.Related Roundup: Apple Deals
This article, "Best Apple Deals of the Week: Magic Keyboards Hit Best-Ever Prices, Plus Apple Watch and Anker Sales" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Best Apple Deals of the Week: Magic Keyboards Hit Best-Ever Prices, Plus Apple Watch and Anker Sales - MacRumors

This week's best deals included record low prices on Apple accessories like the Magic Keyboard for the M4 iPad Pro, as well as discounts on a few Apple Watch models. We're also still tracking great deals on Anker and Jackery accessories as we head into the weekend.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

Apple Accessories

  • What's the deal? Save on Apple's first party accessories

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

$29 OFF11-inch M4 iPad Pro Magic Keyboard for $269.99
$49 OFF13-inch M4 iPad Pro Magic Keyboard for $299.99
$10 OFF2-meter MagSafe Charger for $39.00

This week we tracked a few deals on Apple's Magic Keyboards for iPad and the new MagSafe Charger. Although some of these have since expired, you can still get all-time low prices on both Magic Keyboards for the M4 iPad Pro, and the 2-meter MagSafe Charger.


  • What's the deal? Take 20% off Anker accessories

  • Where can I get it? Anker
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

EXCLUSIVE 20% OFFAnker Sitewide Sale

Our Anker partnership continued this week, giving our readers an exclusive 20 percent discount on Anker's best chargers, portable batteries, and more. You'll need to enter the code akmacrumors20ch at checkout to see the discount, and can find more information about what accessories work with the code in our original post.

Samsung Monitors

  • What's the deal? Take up to $780 off Samsung monitors

  • Where can I get it? Amazon

$300 OFFSamsung 32-inch Smart Monitor M80D for $399.99
$780 OFFSamsung 27-inch ViewFinity S9 5K Monitor for $819.98

Samsung's popular 32-inch Smart Monitor M8 (Model M80D) is down to $399.99 on Amazon, down from $699.99. This is the newest model of the Smart Monitor M8, and this is an overall second-best price, coming just $20 higher when compared to the Prime Day price. Amazon also has a the 27-inch ViewFinity S9 5K Monitor for $819.98, down from $1,599.99, and this one is an all-time low price.

Apple Watch

  • What's the deal? Take up to $64 off Apple Watch Ultra 2 and Series 10

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

$27 OFFApple Watch Series 10 (42mm GPS) for $371.28
$64 OFFApple Watch Ultra 2 (Black) for $734.89

Amazon hosted a few low prices on the Apple Watch Series 10 this week, with solid markdowns on both the 42mm and 46mm GPS models still available. You can also get the Ultra 2 in Black for a second-best price on Amazon.


  • What's the deal? Save on Jackery portable power stations

  • Where can I get it? Amazon
  • Where can I find the original deal? Right here

UP TO $900 OFFJackery on Amazon

Jackery's best portable power stations and accessories hit low prices on Amazon this week, with up to $900 off select devices. We've compiled the full list of accessories on sale below, and note that you'll only need to clip an on-page coupon for one of the discounts.

Head to our full Deals Roundup to get caught up with all of the latest deals and discounts that we've been tracking over the past week.Related Roundup: Apple Deals
This article, "Best Apple Deals of the Week: Magic Keyboards Hit Best-Ever Prices, Plus Apple Watch and Anker Sales" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPhone 17 Pro Models Again Rumored to Feature 48MP Telephoto Camera, 12GB of RAM, and More - MacRumors

While the iPhone 17 Pro models are still nearly a year away from launching, analyst Jeff Pu has already outlined his expectations for the devices.

In a research note with investment bank Haitong International this week, Pu reiterated his previous claim that both the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature a 48-megapixel Telephoto rear camera and a 24-megapixel front camera. Both the Telephoto and front cameras shoot at 12 megapixels on iPhone 16 Pro models.

He also expects the iPhone 17 Pro models to be equipped with 12GB of RAM, up from 8GB in iPhone 16 Pro models. This increase in memory would contribute to improved performance for Apple Intelligence and multitasking.

The analyst continues to believe that the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature a "much narrowed Dynamic Island," as a result of the device adopting a smaller "metalens" for the Face ID system. This would be the first size reduction for the Dynamic Island since it debuted on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max in 2022.

Pu outlined a few less-surprising details that are apparently planned for the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max, including unchanged 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch display sizes for the devices, respectively. He also expects the devices to have an A19 Pro chip manufactured with TSMC's same 3nm process as used for the A18 Pro chip.

Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 17 Pro models in September 2025, alongside a regular iPhone 17 and an all-new, slimmer "iPhone 17 Air."Related Roundup: iPhone 17Tag: Jeff Pu
This article, "iPhone 17 Pro Models Again Rumored to Feature 48MP Telephoto Camera, 12GB of RAM, and More" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

iPhone 17 Pro Models Again Rumored to Feature 48MP Telephoto Camera, 12GB of RAM, and More - MacRumors

While the iPhone 17 Pro models are still nearly a year away from launching, analyst Jeff Pu has already outlined his expectations for the devices.

In a research note with investment bank Haitong International this week, Pu reiterated his previous claim that both the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature a 48-megapixel Telephoto rear camera and a 24-megapixel front camera. Both the Telephoto and front cameras shoot at 12 megapixels on iPhone 16 Pro models.

He also expects the iPhone 17 Pro models to be equipped with 12GB of RAM, up from 8GB in iPhone 16 Pro models. This increase in memory would contribute to improved performance for Apple Intelligence and multitasking.

The analyst continues to believe that the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature a "much narrowed Dynamic Island," as a result of the device adopting a smaller "metalens" for the Face ID system. This would be the first size reduction for the Dynamic Island since it debuted on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max in 2022.

Pu outlined a few less-surprising details that are apparently planned for the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max, including unchanged 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch display sizes for the devices, respectively. He also expects the devices to have an A19 Pro chip manufactured with TSMC's same 3nm process as used for the A18 Pro chip.

Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 17 Pro models in September 2025, alongside a regular iPhone 17 and an all-new, slimmer "iPhone 17 Air."Related Roundup: iPhone 17Tag: Jeff Pu
This article, "iPhone 17 Pro Models Again Rumored to Feature 48MP Telephoto Camera, 12GB of RAM, and More" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

All-New 'iPhone 17 Air' Rumored to Feature Single 48MP Rear Camera, 8GB of RAM, and More - MacRumors

In recent months, several credible sources have claimed that Apple plans to release a redesigned, significantly thinner iPhone 17 model next year. The device's name is not yet known, so we are referring to it as the "iPhone 17 Air" for now.

There have been conflicting rumors about the design and specifications for the device, but most sources have agreed that it will have around a 6.6-inch display. In July, Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said he expects the device to have a standard A19 chip, a Dynamic Island, a single rear camera, and an Apple-designed 5G modem.

In a research note this week with investment bank Haitong International, analyst Jeff Pu agreed that the slim iPhone 17 model will have a 6.6-inch display, and an A19 chip manufactured with TSMC's same 3nm process that is used for the A18 Pro chip. He also expects the device to feature an aluminum frame, Face ID, a single 48-megapixel rear camera, a 24-megapixel front camera, and 8GB of RAM for Apple Intelligence.

Pu expects the slim iPhone 17 model to have a noticeable new design compared to previous iPhone models. He said the device will be a mid-tier iPhone that replaces the Plus model, as he does not expect an iPhone 17 Plus in next year's lineup.

Apple will likely unveil the "iPhone 17 Air" in September 2025, so the device is still far away from launching, and some features could change over time.

Pu has proven to be a mostly-accurate source of info for upcoming Apple products.Related Roundup: iPhone 17Tag: Jeff Pu
This article, "All-New 'iPhone 17 Air' Rumored to Feature Single 48MP Rear Camera, 8GB of RAM, and More" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

All-New 'iPhone 17 Air' Rumored to Feature Single 48MP Rear Camera, 8GB of RAM, and More - MacRumors

In recent months, several credible sources have claimed that Apple plans to release a redesigned, significantly thinner iPhone 17 model next year. The device's name is not yet known, so we are referring to it as the "iPhone 17 Air" for now.

There have been conflicting rumors about the design and specifications for the device, but most sources have agreed that it will have around a 6.6-inch display. In July, Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said he expects the device to have a standard A19 chip, a Dynamic Island, a single rear camera, and an Apple-designed 5G modem.

In a research note this week with investment bank Haitong International, analyst Jeff Pu agreed that the slim iPhone 17 model will have a 6.6-inch display, and an A19 chip manufactured with TSMC's same 3nm process that is used for the A18 Pro chip. He also expects the device to feature an aluminum frame, Face ID, a single 48-megapixel rear camera, a 24-megapixel front camera, and 8GB of RAM for Apple Intelligence.

Pu expects the slim iPhone 17 model to have a noticeable new design compared to previous iPhone models. He said the device will be a mid-tier iPhone that replaces the Plus model, as he does not expect an iPhone 17 Plus in next year's lineup.

Apple will likely unveil the "iPhone 17 Air" in September 2025, so the device is still far away from launching, and some features could change over time.

Pu has proven to be a mostly-accurate source of info for upcoming Apple products.Related Roundup: iPhone 17Tag: Jeff Pu
This article, "All-New 'iPhone 17 Air' Rumored to Feature Single 48MP Rear Camera, 8GB of RAM, and More" first appeared on

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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Lapz App Lets You Watch Formula 1 Races on Apple Vision Pro - MacRumors

For Formula 1 fans, there's a new app called Lapz that is designed to provide an immersive F1 experience on the Apple Vision Pro headset. Users can watch multiple race feeds from different angles, see stats, and view a 3D version of the track that has icons that show where each driver is located in the race.

Different windows can be arranged in the virtual space around the Vision Pro wearer for a customizable experience focusing on what's most important to each user.

The app was created in part by John LePore, who created a concept of an interactive experience back in 2018, and won second place in the F1 Innovation Prize contest that year. What was then just a concept is now a functional app that only became possible after Apple launched the Vision Pro. LePore is also known for working with Marvel Studios to create futuristic interfaces and gadgets for movies like Iron Man and Black Panther.

Forbes highlighted a demonstration video from a Vision Pro user, and called the app "the best reason yet to buy a Vision Pro."

Lapz is available as a TestFlight beta right now, and those who want to try out the app can sign up for the TestFlight on the Lapz website.Related Roundup: Apple Vision ProBuyer's Guide: Vision Pro (Buy Now)Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro
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Lapz App Lets You Watch Formula 1 Races on Apple Vision Pro - MacRumors

For Formula 1 fans, there's a new app called Lapz that is designed to provide an immersive F1 experience on the Apple Vision Pro headset. Users can watch multiple race feeds from different angles, see stats, and view a 3D version of the track that has icons that show where each driver is located in the race.

Different windows can be arranged in the virtual space around the Vision Pro wearer for a customizable experience focusing on what's most important to each user.

The app was created in part by John LePore, who created a concept of an interactive experience back in 2018, and won second place in the F1 Innovation Prize contest that year. What was then just a concept is now a functional app that only became possible after Apple launched the Vision Pro. LePore is also known for working with Marvel Studios to create futuristic interfaces and gadgets for movies like Iron Man and Black Panther.

Forbes highlighted a demonstration video from a Vision Pro user, and called the app "the best reason yet to buy a Vision Pro."

Lapz is available as a TestFlight beta right now, and those who want to try out the app can sign up for the TestFlight on the Lapz website.Related Roundup: Apple Vision ProBuyer's Guide: Vision Pro (Buy Now)Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro
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Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of visionOS 2.1 - MacRumors

Apple today seeded the sixth beta of an upcoming visionOS 2.1 update to developers for testing purposes. The sixth beta comes just days after Apple released the fifth beta.

visionOS 2.1 can be installed by going to the Software Update section of the Settings app on the Vision Pro and opting into Beta Updates.

No major new features have been found in visionOS 2.1, though there are likely minor feature changes and bug fixes that we'll learn about when release notes become available.

visionOS 2.1 is expected to see a launch alongside iOS 18.1 and macOS Sequoia 15.1 on Monday, October 28.Related Roundup: visionOS 2Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro
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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of visionOS 2.1 - MacRumors

Apple today seeded the sixth beta of an upcoming visionOS 2.1 update to developers for testing purposes. The sixth beta comes just days after Apple released the fifth beta.

visionOS 2.1 can be installed by going to the Software Update section of the Settings app on the Vision Pro and opting into Beta Updates.

No major new features have been found in visionOS 2.1, though there are likely minor feature changes and bug fixes that we'll learn about when release notes become available.

visionOS 2.1 is expected to see a launch alongside iOS 18.1 and macOS Sequoia 15.1 on Monday, October 28.Related Roundup: visionOS 2Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro
This article, "Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of visionOS 2.1" first appeared on

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Bitcoin bro searched ‘how can I know for sure if I am being investigated by the FBI’ before FBI arrest - Popular Science

An Alabama man has been arrested by the FBI for allegedly hacking the Securities and Exchange Commission’s social media account on X in a bid to juice Bitcoin’s worth. While the exact evidence that led the Feds to his door isn’t clear, it’s possible Eric Council, Jr., suspected their eventual arrival—prior to his capture, the 25-year-old reportedly searched the internet on his personal computer for phrases including “SECGOV hack,” “how can I know for sure if I am being investigated by the FBI,” and “what are the signs that you are under investigation by law enforcement or the FBI even if you have not been contacted by them.”

On January 9, 2024, the SEC’s official X account tweeted “Today the SEC grants approval for #Bitcoin ETFs for listing on all registered national securities exchanges.” A landmark ruling on whether or not the cryptocurrency could serve as an exchange-traded fund (ETF) had been anticipated for months, the results of which would likely boost or sink at least some of Bitcoin’s value. In the hours following the apparent approval, the crypto’s net worth rose roughly $1,000 per coin. But there was a problem: the SEC actually hadn’t granted a decision yet, and the tweet claiming otherwise came from someone who apparently gained access to the Commission’s social media account.

According to the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia on Thursday, someone hacked @SECGov using what’s known as a “SIM swap.” A Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card is a commonly used integrated circuit on cellphones and smartwatches that is tied to a user’s international phone number. SIM cards can be replaced by programming a new one to match the same phone number, but typically only if you provide a proof of ID to your phone company. However, sometimes a forged ID unfortunately does the trick, too.

This is allegedly what Council (aka “@Easymunny”) managed to do through a collaboration with unnamed co-conspirators. After obtaining a fake ID featuring the personal information of the SEC employee who controlled the social media account, Council allegedly convinced AT&T representatives to supply him with a new SIM card tied to the victim’s number. He then reportedly slotted the replacement into an iPhone he bought in cash, and soon gained access to the X account via requesting Two-Factor Authentication password retrieval codes. From there, he allegedly provided his co-conspirators with the information, which they subsequently used to log into the SEC’s account and tweet the false Bitcoin ETC approval announcement. Council purportedly received payment in Bitcoin for his services, at which point he returned both the iPhone and SIM card to the cell phone store for a refund.

[Related: Montana breeder of illegal, giant sheep hybrid clones gets 6 months in prison.]

While Bitcoin’s value jumped after the forged tweet, it didn’t take long for the SEC to realize what had happened and regain access to their X account. Meanwhile, as The Verge explained, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler issued a clarification from his own account. Confirmation of the hack ultimately had the reverse effect on the cryptocurrency—it almost immediately fell around $2,000 during the ensuing market correction.

But as Gizmodo noted on Friday, the SEC’s problems didn’t stop there. On January 10, the day after the hack, the Commission actually decided to issue its final (actual) approval for 11 Bitcoin ETFs, only to accidentally screw up the announcement by posting, then deleting, the online paperwork. Given the timing, many people initially weren’t sure if there had been yet another hack.

Council is currently charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated identity theft and access device fraud. There’s no word yet on whether or not he found the information he was looking for during another internet search cited in the FBI’s indictment: “Federal identity theft statute.”

The post Bitcoin bro searched ‘how can I know for sure if I am being investigated by the FBI’ before FBI arrest appeared first on Popular Science.

Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

The MacRumors Show: iPad Mini 7 Is Here! - MacRumors

On this week's episode of The MacRumors Show, we discuss the new iPad mini 7, Apple Intelligence and Genmoji, and the chances of an October Apple event to introduce M4 Macs.

Subscribe to The MacRumors Show YouTube channel for more videos
Apple this week announced the seventh-generation iPad mini. Key upgrades include the A17 Pro chip, Smart HDR 4 and a new True Tone flash, a faster USB-C port, Apple Pencil Pro and ‌Apple Pencil‌ hover support, a 512GB storage option, and support for Apple Intelligence. We discuss our initial thoughts on the product refresh, the significance of the upgrades, and who should consider buying the new device.

With Apple Intelligence being a tentpole feature of the new ‌iPad mini‌, we ponder on whether Genmoji will actually be a popular feature among users when it eventually debuts. Finally, with the first of Apple's October product releases taking place via press release, we appraise whether the next expected products, which include new MacBook Pro, iMac, and Mac mini models, will follow suit. Until now, reports suggested that there would be an October Apple event to unveil the new devices before their debut in early November.

The MacRumors Show has its own YouTube channel, so make sure you're subscribed to keep up with new episodes and clips:

Subscribe to The MacRumors Show YouTube channel!

You can also listen to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, or your preferred podcasts app. You can also copy our RSS feed directly into your podcast player.

If you haven't already listened to the previous episode of The MacRumors Show, catch up for our discussion about the unprecedented leak of Apple's M4 MacBook Pro models and the company's rumored move to more staggered hardware and software releases.

Subscribe to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ for new episodes every week, where we discuss some of the topical news breaking here on MacRumors, often joined by interesting guests such as Luke Miani, Matthew Cassinelli, Brian Tong, Quinn Nelson, Kevin Nether, Jared Nelson, Eli Hodapp, Mike Bell, Sara Dietschy, iJustine, Jon Rettinger, Andru Edwards, Arnold Kim, Ben Sullins, Marcus Kane, Christopher Lawley, Frank McShan, David Lewis, Tyler Stalman, Jon Prosser, Sam Kohl, John Gruber, Federico Viticci, Thomas Frank, Jonathan Morrison, Ross Young, Ian Zelbo, and Rene Ritchie.

‌The MacRumors Show‌ is on X @MacRumorsShow, so be sure to give us a follow to keep up with the podcast. You can also head over to The MacRumors Show forum thread to engage with us directly. Remember to rate and review the podcast, and let us know what subjects and guests you would like to see in the future.Tag: The MacRumors Show
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Apple, iPhone, iPad, Mac News and Rumors

The MacRumors Show: iPad Mini 7 Is Here! - MacRumors

On this week's episode of The MacRumors Show, we discuss the new iPad mini 7, Apple Intelligence and Genmoji, and the chances of an October Apple event to introduce M4 Macs.

Subscribe to The MacRumors Show YouTube channel for more videos
Apple this week announced the seventh-generation iPad mini. Key upgrades include the A17 Pro chip, Smart HDR 4 and a new True Tone flash, a faster USB-C port, Apple Pencil Pro and ‌Apple Pencil‌ hover support, a 512GB storage option, and support for Apple Intelligence. We discuss our initial thoughts on the product refresh, the significance of the upgrades, and who should consider buying the new device.

With Apple Intelligence being a tentpole feature of the new ‌iPad mini‌, we ponder on whether Genmoji will actually be a popular feature among users when it eventually debuts. Finally, with the first of Apple's October product releases taking place via press release, we appraise whether the next expected products, which include new MacBook Pro, iMac, and Mac mini models, will follow suit. Until now, reports suggested that there would be an October Apple event to unveil the new devices before their debut in early November.

The MacRumors Show has its own YouTube channel, so make sure you're subscribed to keep up with new episodes and clips:

Subscribe to The MacRumors Show YouTube channel!

You can also listen to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, or your preferred podcasts app. You can also copy our RSS feed directly into your podcast player.

If you haven't already listened to the previous episode of The MacRumors Show, catch up for our discussion about the unprecedented leak of Apple's M4 MacBook Pro models and the company's rumored move to more staggered hardware and software releases.

Subscribe to ‌The MacRumors Show‌ for new episodes every week, where we discuss some of the topical news breaking here on MacRumors, often joined by interesting guests such as Luke Miani, Matthew Cassinelli, Brian Tong, Quinn Nelson, Kevin Nether, Jared Nelson, Eli Hodapp, Mike Bell, Sara Dietschy, iJustine, Jon Rettinger, Andru Edwards, Arnold Kim, Ben Sullins, Marcus Kane, Christopher Lawley, Frank McShan, David Lewis, Tyler Stalman, Jon Prosser, Sam Kohl, John Gruber, Federico Viticci, Thomas Frank, Jonathan Morrison, Ross Young, Ian Zelbo, and Rene Ritchie.

‌The MacRumors Show‌ is on X @MacRumorsShow, so be sure to give us a follow to keep up with the podcast. You can also head over to The MacRumors Show forum thread to engage with us directly. Remember to rate and review the podcast, and let us know what subjects and guests you would like to see in the future.Tag: The MacRumors Show
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