Land Use Planning

Regional GIS spatial analysis informative tool that allows an integrated territorial indicator reading (and trend) within the framework of the studies of the Cognitive Framework of the new Regional territorial plan (PTR).


Ervet - Valorizzazione Economia Territorio Spa
Cliente Finale: 
Regione Emilia Romagna

The digital Catalog of INU Editions-National Institute of Urbanism ( is a Cms 2.0 capable of catalog/store any product of INU editions (existing in print and digital version) and activate an environment of sharing and eCommerce thereof via the web.

The dual function of editorial and eCommerce store, and the complex articulation and informative hierarchy (books, magazines, articles, authors, subjects, locations, etc.) have requested an advanced web 2.0 solution based on Drupal 7 able to respond brilliantly to the functional needs.

INU Edizioni