GIS and Web Gis 2.0

Aprile 2024


If you're a Drupal user interested in integrating advanced Web GIS features into your web application, the Geofield Stack offers a powerful toolkit. 

I've personally utilized this stack (that I maintain for the worldwide community since Drupal 8) to develop a quick and efficient Drupal website that effectively manages and publishes a photographic reportage of my journey along the "Way of the Gods" via electric mountain bike (E-MTBike). This approach provides a vivid geographical context to the points of interest and photographs captured along the route.

Febbraio 2023
Drupal Best Integrates WebGIS with CMS

I was approached by Sebin A. Jacob, Editor-In-Chief of the The Drop Times for an extended interview about my work in the Web Gis 2.0 context, and in particular with advanced geo-mapping with the Geofield Stack in Drupal 8 and above. I gave all my answers and insights as crucial contributor of all the Geofield stack of modules (Geofield, Geofield Map, Leaflet and Geocoder), that enable Drupal to store and manage geocoded content and visualise it in advanced and creative georeferenced ways.

Maggio 2020
Geofield stack for COVID-19 data management of John Hopkins University Repository

Drupal 8 is an excellent framework and CMS for the modelling, management and representation of any information entity. At the same time, it lends itself very well to integrating javascript geo mapping frameworks and implementing spatial analysis and representation features.

For this specific application in Drupal 8 I wanted to experiment with the Geofield stack for importing and representing Covid 19 data, in a similar way to the now famous John Hopkins University Covid19 World Map.

Gennaio 2020
My last presentation for the Drupal NYC Meetup @ NYU Stern - January 8th 2020

During the Drupal NYC Meetup @ NYU Stern - January 8th 2020, I presented the most recently implemented features in the Geofield Mapping stack (Geofield and Geofield compatible/dependent modules) for the management of an advanced Web GIS (Geographic Information System) application in Drupal 8.

Febbraio 2019
There is a great potential to integrate all Drupal 8 entity modelling scalable ecosystem with best JS Mapping frameworks and big data Spatial Analysis tools.

During the Drupal NYC Meetup of the 6th February 2019, Italo Mairo (lead maintainer of the Drupal 8 Geofield Mapping stack) walked the audience through building an advanced Web GIS (Geographic Information System) 2.0 application in Drupal 8 using the Geofield, Geofield Map,

Maggio 2018
with Dynamic Map Theming & Contextual Legends

Geofield Map

is an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution for Drupal 8, based on and fully compatible with the Geofield module, that lets you manage the Geofield with an interactive Map both in back-end and in the front-end.

What’s New in 2.x.

As an absolute novelty the Geofield Map 2.x new version introduces Dynamic Map Theming & Contextual Legends. 

Luglio 2014
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis
  • Drupal
  • GIS and Web Gis 2.0

UN SSC SSAFE Program Geo Database

Cliente Finale: 
UN System Staff College

Una applicazione Web GIS sviluppata in Drupal, con avanzate funzionalità di analisi e geolocalizzazione spaziale e di "charting", per l'archiviazione e la gestione dei dati sui corsi SSAFE (Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environments) svolti da United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) di Torino per la certificazione dei Professionisti d

Agosto 2017
Enhanced with a Google Map formatter and a dedicated Google Map View style plugin

This summer the Geofield Map module for Drupal 8, from me (itamair on, has grown up and became great.

It has been enanched with a bunch of new meaningful functionalities such as a Google Map formatter and a dedicated Google Map View style plugin, both with highly customizable setup, Marker and Infowindow specfications and Markers Clustering capabilities.

Aprile 2016
  • GIS and Web Gis 2.0
  • Drupal
  • Open Data
  • Web 2.0 Opensource

Geo Open Data delle Strutture della Pubblica Amministrazione Italiana

L’utilizzo e la valorizzazione degli Open Data di IPA – Indice della Pubblica Amministrazione Italiana sotto forma di Web Gis 2.0 disponibile dal dominio

Una applicazione Web Gis avanzata Opensource, sviluppata in Drupal 7, che permette la libera consultazione e rappresentazione geospaziale di tutte le strutture della Pubblica Amministrazione Italiana, caratterizzate e tematizzate per categorie ISTAT.

Settembre 2015
L'utilizzo dei moduli IP Geolocation Views & Maps & Leaflet per la geocodifica degli accessi.

Le mie migliori pratiche per impostare e pubblicare la mappa Leaflet dei più recenti visitiatori del sito Drupal, sfruttando le capacità di geocodifica degli indirizzi IP e la HTML5 Geolocation API del modulo IP Geolocation Views.


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