GIS and Web Gis 2.0 - Web 2.0 Opensource
Interactive weather maps of destinations in the catalogue, edited by Web Agency Sixeleven-Ideas and Tools to Communicate
GIS and Spatial Analysis - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
Drupal 8

Integrating Paragraphs with Drupal 8's Layout System
October 2019
GIS and Spatial Analysis - Drupal - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
An advanced Geospatial web application for the United Nations System Staff College in Turin (Italy)
GIS and Spatial Analysis - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
Web 2.0 Opensource - Drupal - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
The new section of search and selection of Diasorin staff
GIS and Web Gis 2.0 - Drupal - Open Data - Web 2.0 Opensource
GIS and Web Gis 2.0 - Drupal 8 - Open Data
Geofield stack for COVID-19 data management of John Hopkins University Repository
May 2020
GIS and Spatial Analysis - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
GIS and Spatial Analysis - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
GIS and Web Gis 2.0
There is a great potential to integrate all Drupal 8 entity modelling scalable ecosystem with best JS Mapping frameworks and big data Spatial Analysis tools.
February 2019
Drupal 8 - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
with Dynamic Map Theming & Contextual Legends
May 2018
GIS and Web Gis 2.0
My last presentation for the Drupal NYC Meetup @ NYU Stern - January 8th 2020
January 2020
Drupal 9 - Drupal 8 - Paragraphs - Layout API
July 2020
Drupal 8 - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
Enhanced with a Google Map formatter and a dedicated Google Map View style plugin
August 2017
GIS and Web Gis 2.0 - Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings
GIS and Spatial Analysis - Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings
GIS and Spatial Analysis - Web 2.0 Opensource

Focuses & Highlights

September 2015
Drupal - GIS and Web Gis 2.0
The use of IP Geolocation Views module for access geocoding.
August 2015
The main changes for end users, developers and themers
December 2014
Manage activity streams, notifications, subscriptions in a Drupal way
October 2014
sept 29 - oct 03
June 2014
GIS and Spatial Analysis
June 2014
WordPress is not the only CMS! Be inspired by these brilliant examples of websites built on the Drupal platform.
May 2014
Drupal - Web 2.0 Opensource
The Case Study
 - Management & Subscription of Editorial Plans 
in the Fiera Milano Media Drupal WebSite -
March 2014
GIS and Spatial Analysis
Source: googlemapsmania
